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Привет, меня зовут Яна, я психолог. Работаю в русле когнитивно-поведенческой терапии с элементами РЭПТ и телесноориентированного подхода. ЛГБТ+ френдли.
As systemic therapists we are particularly interested in supporting family relationships, life transition and life adjustments, school or work related issues that are impacting negatively upon family life.
Young people are under more and more pressure these days - from exam stress, hormone changes during adolescence, peer group pressure, and deciding what to do when they leave school not to mention exams. Don't worry, Calm Together can help.
Can't get to a therapy office? Live in a remote area? tight on time? or busy with family commitments? We offer therapy online which is a great solution for people who need therapy but cannot find a lot of spare time for travel or those who prefer to keep in contact at a distance from wherever they are.