Учебный центр Bolashaq
1 курс - "Юный инженер" * 4 урока = 10 000 KZT 2 курс - "Создатели кода" * 4 урока = 15 000 KZT 3 курс - "Мир робототехники" * 4 урока = 20 000 KZT4 курс - "Создатель робота" 20 000 KZT * 4 урока = 20 000 KZTСлужба такси "Дом-школа-дом"1 Такси-Гор
Natal, AV. Sen. Salgado Filho, 1718 - Tirol, Tirol Way Office - Sala 201
Natal, AV. Sen. Salgado Filho, 1718 - Tirol, Tirol Way Office - Sala 201 用地圖查看Powerhouse
Là où réfugiés, migrants talentueux, professionnels de la tech et entrepreneurs sociaux se rencontrent.
Washburn Tech Workplace Skills
The Washburn Tech Workplace Skills program provides training in soft skills for students entering the workforce. These skills include eight general modules; self-management, communication, teamwork, organizational culture, resources management, leade