Amantes de la Luz
Amantes de la Luz es un espacio de Formación Espiritual activa en las bases de la Enseñanza Espiritual de la Nueva Era dadas a través de la Actividad Yo Soy y el Puente a la Libertad Espiritual
Las Vegas, NV, 3644 S Fort Apache Rd Apt 2154, Las Vegas, NV 89147
Las Vegas, NV, 3644 S Fort Apache Rd Apt 2154, Las Vegas, NV 89147 用地圖查看Conexão Thetahealing
Vinicius Rainha is a spiritual services company based in beautiful Piracicaba. Our passion and expertise is in providing an exceptional and life-changing experience for all those who seek to heal and better themselves. We specialize in Sessão Thetahe
A.Xaelia Esoteric
Welcome to A.Xaelia Esoteric! We offer an ever-expanding array of metaphysical services, classes, and products.Reiki • Runes • Tarot • Palm • Pendulum • Astrology • Crystal Healing • Custom Spells • and more+ Events • Parties • Groups
Médium, Énergéticienne et Hypnothérapeute j'ai à cœur de vous accompagner selon vos besoins.
Chakra Energy Life
I Am committed to helping you achieve optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being through the power of your chakras. I offer remote viewing, telepathic clairvoyance, and divine wisdom to assist with ancestral healing. Through my connection
"O Centro Cultural Casa de Axé Ogunsina é um fomentador da filosofia de Ifa e da cultura Yoruba como também um santuário dedicado à sabedoria ancestral, onde a tradição de Ifá e o culto aos Orixás são vividos e compartilhados. Dedicado à orientação e
光之療癒師|Akasha Angels Channel
光之療癒師 | Akasha Angels Channel提供以下服務:👼 英國天使靈氣療癒服務天使在靈魂層為人類服務,修復各層靈體包括乙太體、情緒體、星光體、靈性體等,療癒效益回應到身體、心理、精神和靈性的各層面,具體感受到豐盛的愛、力量和喜悅。🦄 獨角獸靈氣脈輪淨化服務獨角獸靈氣清純且喜悅,協助淨化脈輪、聖物、空間、場域等,此外召喚獨角獸顯化願望光球,啟動內在的創意,淨化和提升震動頻率。🧙♂️ 宇宙阿卡西紀錄諮詢服
您好!歡迎來到菩提心療癒工房。這裡是個無批判偏見、尊重各宗教信仰、性向等,充滿祝福及溫暖的療癒空間。以親民的價格讓每個人都有改變的機會,現可透過此系統進行預約服務。本工房嚴禁吸煙 & LGBTQ友善空間確認您的預約訊息後,我們將盡快回覆您。如與希望預約時間有任何衝突或異動,將另行聯絡。為保護個案隱私,服務過程將會進行錄影錄音(不公開)。若對預約方式或服務內容、商品有任何疑問,歡迎與我們聯絡,感謝。