Maia Winter Astrology
I am a Tropical Astrologer, I use a mixture of modern and traditional astrology practices to help people find themselves and their life paths.
Balance Begins With Me @ Forresters Beach
PLEASE NOTE: CHANGE OF VENUE TO 18 HENRYS ROAD, FORRESTERS BEACH ... AND NOT JUST FRIDAYS ANYMORE!Meditation | Reiki | Chakra Balancing | AomaTouch Treatments| Essential Oil Intro and 'Make and Take' classes | Women's Circle | Akashic Reading, Healin
Neptune Polyharmonic
Sound Massage, Supersonic Gong Baths, Sound Art Events, Retune Retreats, Bespoke Sound Therapy Retreats
Ekaterina Kruchkova
Ekaterina - Energy Healer & Kunstenaar. Ekaterina biedt gepersonaliseerde healing-sessies en kunstwerken aan die je helpen emotionele blokkades los te laten, energetische balans te herstellen, en spirituele groei te bevorderen. Met behulp van kun
Durch Trance Healing - Heil-Behandlungen werden die Hintergründe deiner Symptome in Heilung gebracht. In einem Gespräch bringen wir die geistigen und irdischen Ebenen in Einklang und finden Lösungen, um dich wieder in den Flow zu bringen. Dieses Coac
Moon Prism Tarot
My 1-on-1 readings are meant to illuminate the hidden aspects of your self and shine a light on your path to understanding. my approach is straight forward and meant to inspire courageous action and introspective thought.For centuries, Tarot's rich s
Akashic Energy Readings
Akashic Records Energy Readings. I channel into the Akashic record space, this space contains every thought, emotion, and experience that has ever happened to every soul that has ever existed. I channel information from your childhood, present, and f
Spirituelle en Affaires
Les Guidances Angéliques permettent un temps de compréhension, de messages et d'éclaircissements quand le chemin est un peu tortueux... et toujours avec l'Archange Michaël bien sûr!Ces quelques séances disponibles sont réservées aux personnes que j'a