![Company image](http://simplybook.it/uploads/ekaterinakruchkova/image_files/preview/245bc7a0b61cb758a08d4866e9b62fd3.jpeg)
Ekaterina Kruchkova
Ekaterina - Energy Healer & Kunstenaar. Ekaterina biedt gepersonaliseerde healing-sessies en kunstwerken aan die je helpen emotionele blokkades los te laten, energetische balans te herstellen, en spirituele groei te bevorderen. Met behulp van kun
Connect with Q'orianka
Q'orianka, spiritual guide and founder of Alturas Spiritual Journeys, specialized in assisting awakening women to heal and transform their lives to stand in their divine essence as the leaders on purpose they are meant to be. Q'orianka is an Inca Hig
Attuned Health Solutions
Welcome to Attuned Health Solutions booking page. To book an intuitive transformational healing session, please click on the BOOK NOW button.If you have any questions, please visit my FAQ page located here http://www.attunedhealthsolutions.com/f
Heart and Soul Healing
I am a Akashic Records Practitioner and Elite teacher through the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies. I offer classes and workshops dealing with the Akashic Records as well as offer Akashic Record readings. Having a Akashic Records reading will br
Akashic Energy Readings
Akashic Records Energy Readings. I channel into the Akashic record space, this space contains every thought, emotion, and experience that has ever happened to every soul that has ever existed. I channel information from your childhood, present, and f