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Rule One Investing Education (RK)


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    9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

  • 星期二

    12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

  • 星期三

    9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • 星期四

    2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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Rule One Investing Education is in the tradition of the Great Value Investors: Ben Graham, Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Guy Spier, and Phil Town.


Richard Kapiloff


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Prep Call For Rule One Investing Course

60 分钟

Please schedule a time for us to have a 45 minute call to discuss your upcoming Rule One Transformational Investing Course.

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1-on-1 Rule One Coaching Session

60 分钟

Please send your list of questions to at least 24 hours prior to our discussion. Thank you.


13 客户评论

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    Yury Litvinovich

    9/28/2019, 4:51:45 PM

    Brilliant Educator With Amazing Personality

    Richard has a unique talent to explain deepest concepts in a clear and concise way. Many things that first seemed to be too hard to fully understand turned to be easy after his "magic touch". Three months of the course passed surprisingly quickly... Richard's brilliant pedagogical talent and amazing personality made our classes not only extremely useful, but also full of fun and pleasure! Thank you, our beloved instructor Richard!

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    Helen Arbez

    4/18/2019, 11:39:43 PM

    Richard Kapiloff

    Richard has a way of making the course material accessible and fun to learn. His knowledge, experience, wonderful teaching style and approachable manner has given me a strong foundation, helped me overcome fears, increased my belief in myself and confidence in knowing that I can do this!

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    Rob Bendick

    11/13/2018, 10:35:27 PM

    Excellent Teacher

    The Rule One Education has been an exciting experience. Richard Kapiloff and Travis Parker have been very understanding, patient and thorough instructors. Richard has a gift to teach these principles in a way that anyone can understand and entertain us as well. Both Richard and Travis have been very encouraging and have led me to a level of self confidence that I didn't have before in the world of investing. I now have the knowledge to do things I had absolutely no confidence in doing before. Thank you Richard.

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    Chalsey Bugeaud

    10/4/2018, 8:38:42 PM

    Rule One Education

    The Rule One Education has been so incredible and has far exceeded my expectations, especially Richard Kapiloff! He is so thorough when he teaches not only in class but on the 1 on 1 phone calls. I have learned so much in the past 26 weeks and can't wait to continue on, Thanks to the Team and Richard:)

  • Review user image

    Bob Perry

    7/23/2018, 8:58:41 PM

    Wonderful education

    Rule One Investing has been tremendous. Richard Kapiloff is an excellent teacher. His insights and experience have been tremendous in helping me to understand and learn at a quick pace. He has given me a set of tools and skill set to continue to learn and grow as an investor. Looking forward to the next segment with Jeff. Overall, Rule One is a life changing experience.

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    Richard Oko

    6/28/2018, 5:27:15 AM

    Rule One Wonderful.

    Rule One Investing has been so wonderful it’s just what I needed .Richard Kapiloff has been so patient in teaching all of us over the past few months, his classes are well taught and FOH he answers everyone’s questions really well,and his one on one he has with everyone is so helpful.You can throw any question at him and he will have an answer for you .I finished Richard’s classes and I’m with Jeff Town really excited to keep going as far as I can go with learning Rule One.Thank you Richard for your time and all your teaching you gave us.Thank Rule One and it’s been a honour and I can’t wait to keep going.Such wonderful people.

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    Richard Oko

    5/2/2018, 5:53:50 PM

    Excellent teacher.

    Richard is very good at teaching Rule One Investing,his patience in working with you to make sure you understand what he is saying and showing you is really great.Calling him and having a one on one phone call with Richard and discussing and him showing me what I could do a little better was truly helpful and appreciated.Thanks Richard job well done.

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    Gabrielle Massicotte

    12/21/2017, 9:11:34 PM

    Great teacher

    I have been very impressed with Richard's classes, and with the one-on-one discussions. He is clear, patient, and thorough. His long experience as an entrepreneur and business owner shows in how grounded he is when he explains concepts to students. He makes sure that you get it. During the one-on-one time, his level of knowledge and mastery showed as we discussed strategy, and industry and market trends. Make sure you're well prepared for those discussions! I really appreciated the 13 weeks of classes I had with Richard.

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    Kevin Mullins

    12/14/2017, 6:14:23 PM

    Could hardly wait until Class starts every week!

    Richard is easy to follow on new and complex topics! He makes sure everyone understands before moving on and takes the time for deeper walk through examples, when needed! I could sit in a class every week with Richard and do training. Some of the best training I've gone through! And, his is passion for teaching is obvious on day one.

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    11/20/2017, 8:57:11 PM

    Talented Instructor

    There are good instructors, then there are those with the gift. Richard easily dials into where you are and where you need to go next, based on your abilities. He just gets it. He's a great communicator, very patient (he wants to make sure you're getting the concepts) and is not judgmental. If you're not clear on something, ask your question! I'm really glad I was in his class.
