9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm appointment! please communicate by taking a screenshot. I DO NOT ACCEPT ZELLE Late Policy: If anything over 10mins late will be canceled no exceptions. Thanks for choosing me to be your LashTech团队组成
60 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Classic Full Set. $95
120 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm a
Volume Full Set. $80.00
120 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Mega Volume Full set. $100.00
120 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Classic Lash Fill. $50.00
120 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Volume Lash Fill $50
120 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Freestyle FULL SET $120
60 分钟
My Deposit info: There is a required $15 deposit with a $2 transfer fee. If the deposit isn't sent within 20min after booking i will cancel the appointment and allow others to book for that time. Screen shot and send it to me so that i can confirm ap
Volume FILL-IN $50
60 分钟
Hybrid FILL-IN $65
60 分钟
Hybrid FULL SET $110
60 分钟
After Care Bag $10
60 分钟