Foot Reflexology 60mins + Full Body Massage "Tuina" 60mins = 120mins ** All price are excluded 6% SST** all price excluded RM 2.00 additional Charges for personal protective equipment (PPE) for each customer.Temporary PPE chargesHere at BigFoot Family Health Care, we believe in complete transparency. We have spent most of the lockdown period ensuing we have all the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) to ensure we are compliant with all legislation to keep all our customer and team safe.Due to the cost of it, we have no option but to pass most of it onto our customer, hopefully only temporarily.If, and when, the additional levels of safety are no longer required the charges will be removed.We thank you for your understanding at this time. RegardsManagement Team
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tui Na, or tuina, is a
therapeutic form of massage and has been used in China for more than
5,000 years. Defined as “the ancient healing art of fingers and strength,” tui
na (pronounced “twee nah”) has been gaining international attention for its
safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of conditions. Tui na massage
therapy is used for giving special treatments to people of all ages, from
infancy to old age.Practitioners use their finger, hand, elbow,
knee or foot to apply pressure to a specific body location, according to an
article published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. This
complementary and alternative Chinese medicine modality makes use of rhythmic
compression techniques along different energy channels of the body to establish
harmonious flow of qi throughout the body and bringing it back to balance. By
applying pressure to meridians, acupoints, and groups of muscles and nerves,
tui na removes blockages and works deeply with the positive energy of the body.TechniqueTui na makes use of various hand techniques in
combination with acupuncture and other manipulation techniques. To enhance the healing
process, the practitioner may recommend the use of Chinese herbs. Many of the
techniques used in this massage resemble that of a western massage like
gliding, kneading, rubbing, vibration, tapping, friction, pulling, rolling,
pressing and shaking. In tui na massage, the muscles and tendons are massaged
with the help of hands, and an acupressure technique is applied to directly
affect the flow of qi at different acupressure points of the body, thus
facilitating the healing process. It removes the blockages and keeps the energy
moving through the meridians as well as the muscles.推拿,中医指用手在人体上按经络、穴位用推、拿、提、捏、揉等手法进行治疗,其好处主要在于能调和人体的气血,提高机体的免疫能力。1、调和气血明代养生家罗洪在《万寿仙书》里说:“按摩法能疏通毛窍,能运旋荣卫”。这里的运旋荣卫,就是调和气血之意。因为按摩就是以柔软、轻和之力,循经络、按穴位,施术于人体,通过经络的传导来调节全身,借以调和营卫气血,增强机体健康。现代医学认为,推拿手法的机械刺激,通过将机械能转化为热能的综合作用,以提高局部组织的温度,促使毛细血管扩张,改善血液和淋巴循环,使血液粘滞性减低,降低周围血管阻力,减轻心脏负担,故可防治心血管疾病。2、提高机体免疫能力如小儿痢疾,经推拿时症状减轻或消失;小儿肺部有干湿性罗音时,按揉小横纹。掌心横纹有效。有人曾在同龄组儿童中并列对照组进行保健推拿,经推拿的儿童组,发病率下降,身高、体重、食欲等皆高于对照组。以上临床实践及其他动物实验皆证明,推拿按摩具有抗炎、退热、提高免疫力的作用,可增强人体的抗病能力。