- animaltherapy.simplybook.me
- Animal Physical Rehab Newlands, 45 Main Street, Newlands, 7700, Cape Town
- Animal Physical Rehab Diep River, 71 Main Road, Diep River, 7800, Cape Town
07:30 - 18:00
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 17:15
07:30 - 17:15
07:30 - 17:15
Animal Physical Rehab is a business that offers physical rehabilitation for horses, dogs and cats. We are based at Blue Cross Veterinary Hospital, so always have the back-up of qualified Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses. We offer the full scope of physical rehabilitation services which includes underwater treadmill, LASER, therapeutic ultrasound, NMES, TENS, PMFT, massage and other soft tissue techniques as well as therapeutic and active strengthening exercises. We work with all ages of animals, specifically post-surgical cases, arthritic animals, neurological and neuro-muscular cases and the sporting dogs and horses.团队组成
Therapist (Newlands)
Kirsty Green (Newlands)
Dehandré Oberholzer (Newlands)
Jayde Villet (Newlands)
Zandri Basson (Diep River)
Marili Hamman (Diep River)
Kirsty Green (Diep River)
Nina Joubert (Newlands)
Kayla Du Toit (Newlands)
Acupuncture (Diep River)
Kayla du Toit (Diep River)
Physiotherapy Functional Assessment
60 分钟
A Functional Assessment is the evaluation of a patient before he or she embarks on a physical rehabilitation programme. It involves taking a history from the owner and assessing the animal's posture, demeanour, gait and condition of the neuro-muscul
Physiotherapy Reassessment
45 分钟
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Physiotherapy Treatment (a)
45 分钟
This is a physical rehabilitation treatment which may include various different modalities. Your animal must have undergone a Functional Assessment before these appointments can be booked.
Physiotherapy Treatment (b)
30 分钟
BEMER Therapy is a form of pulsed magnetic field therapy that improves the ability of the red blood cell to carry oxygen. It facilitates healing of all tissue types and is also very effective in assisting cancer patients to recover from chemotherapy
Pre-UWT Assessment
45 分钟
Equine Physiotherapy Treatment
60 分钟
Underwater Treadmill (a)
45 分钟
An Underwater Treadmill Treatment involves the dog going into a glass tank that fills with water to the appropriate height for that specific dog. Within the glass tank there is a treadmill belt. We can control the speed of the treadmill as
Underwater Treadmill (b)
30 分钟
LASER Treatment
20 分钟
LASER stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emision of Radiation
LASER Therapy Equine
60 分钟
In-Hospital Physiotherapy
20 分钟
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Equine Functional Assessment
60 分钟
Fitness Session
30 分钟
Home Physiotherapy Treatment
60 分钟
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