Voted NZ's Best Ski Resort! Mt Hutt boasts wide open terrain for all ski and snowboard ability levels plus kids 10 years and under ski for free at Mt Hutt. Superb conditions, spectacular terrain and laid back kiwi hospitality will leave you dreaming for more.团队组成

Mt Hutt Food and Beverage
Mt Hutt Lifts- Rentals- Retail
Mt Hutt Roads and Transport

Mt Hutt Guest Services & Administration

Mt Hutt Lifts
20 分钟
Please select here for all Lift interviews.

Mt Hutt Lifts, Rentals or Retail Interviews
20 分钟
Select here for all Interviews for Lifts, Rentals or Retail.

Slopes - Snowmaker and Groomer Operator positons
30 分钟
Select this option to arrange an interview for the above positions

Guest Service Positions
30 分钟
Use this option for an interview for a Guest Service position

Barista & Service Attendant interviews
30 分钟
Interviews for barista positions

Mt Hutt Roads and Transport interviews
30 分钟
Interviews for Roads and Transport
4 客户评论