
Welcome! we are running the flu clinic on 7th, 8th and 9th October this year.  Please click through to book your appointment.


Anne - Exam Room 2 (Nuffield Clinic)

Room 202 with Daniela


Service icon

Massage Therapy - Onsite chair massage - Room 202

15 分钟

Using techniques which are based on a form of acupressure - During this massage you are seated on a specially designed massage chair, fully clothed. No oil is used, no change in attire is necessary. The massage therapist uses massage and acupres


Massage Therapy - Onsite chair massage - Exam Room 2 (Nuffield Clinic)

15 分钟

Using techniques which are based on a form of acupressure - During this massage you are seated on a specially designed massage chair, fully clothed. No oil is used, no change in attire is necessary. The massage therapist uses massage and acupres


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