Kristen Pia Financial Coaching, LLC
08:30 - 18:30
08:30 - 16:00
08:30 - 16:00
11:00 - 14:00
Welcome! My name is Kristen Pia, and my mission is to help you develop the skillset required to manage your money with clarity and confidence. My services may be for you if you are someone that struggles with financial decisions, you don't have clarity about where your money is going, you struggle with debt and aren't sure what to prioritize, or you want to up-level your finances.I believe that you can achieve financial success without tracking every single expenditure, cutting out all luxuries and/or cutting up all of your credit cards. I will work with you to clarify your financial goals and devise a strategy to help you achieve them. Credentials:-B.S. Finance-M.B.A. Accounting -Debt Free (except our home)-Multi-six figure portfolio优惠&促销
Friends and Family Discount
Friends and Family Discount
Kristen Pia, MBA
Free Financial Consultation
15 分钟
We'll spend 15-20 minutes assessing your financial situation and determine whether our Financial Check-Up and Strategy Session is right for you. **This appointment will be conducted over the phone. You will receive a phone call at your scheduled appo
Financial Checkup and Strategy Session
90 分钟
We will do a deep dive into your finances and create a strategy with actionable steps you can follow to achieve your financial goals. At the the end of the session you may be invited into our 1:1 financial coaching program to guide you through refini
Financial Coaching Session
60 分钟
This service is for existing clients only who want more help and guidance with executing their financial plan. Please do not book the Financial Coaching Session until you have completed the Financial Checkup and Strategy Session. This appointmen
1 客户评论
Sedrika Makanani Kamohalii Anuhealii
4/26/2022, 7:43:30 PM
Kristen Pia Financial Checkup and Strategy Session
I just went though Kristen Piaʻs Financial Checkup and Strategy Session for both my household and small business finances. I must say, the process was easier and more comfortable than I thought it be. The spreadsheet was easy to follow and collecting all the data to go into one place gave me an uplifting feeling of control. Kristen was very professional and "human" through the checkup, she never made me feel like a bad money person. All her suggestions and ideas came through clearly and were related to me and my situation. By the end of the check up I had what I wanted for a long time, a plan to strengthen our small business and household finances. Iʻm signing up for the coaching so that I can follow through to make this plan a reality once and for all!