05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
05:30 - 21:00
What we are offering:geniUS Dog Park, located within Delta Park, Johannesburg, is a private, fully-fenced property available for hire for private, off-leash dog walks. There will be no other dogs in the field during your slot, giving your dog the freedom to stretch their legs and have some fun without worrying about other off-leash dogs or distractions. Mental and physical stimulation for your dogs and peace of mind for you. One-on-one training sessions can be arranged at the property with geniUS Training and Behaviour. Please contact us for more information.Please note that there may be other human visitors - including children - on odd occasions. I'm interested! Now what?1. Register on our website - www.geniusdogs.co.za (When you book your first session)2.Book an intro session to meet with our trainer, visit the park and determine if it's what you've been looking for. 3. Your first month's membership is included in the intro session! Thereafter, you can sign up for a membership package that suits your needs, from R40 per month. 3. Once you are a member, you can book sessions from R45 for 30 minutes. 4. Give your dogs the freedom to enjoy stress-free, safe, fun walks!团队组成
Camp Delta
First Visit Intro Session
30 分钟
New members looking to start using the park will need to complete this initial intro session.Someone will meet you at the park in order for you to be familiarized with the rules and procedures of the park. You will also be given a few tips
Exclusive Dog Walk 30m
30 分钟
Access to genius Dog Park’s fully fenced, secure property for 30 minutes. For clients who have attended an Intro Session - this is compulsory. Booking this service requires an active membership.
Exclusive Dog Walk 60m
60 分钟
Access to genius Dog Park’s fully fenced, secure property for 60 minutes. For clients who have attended an Intro Session - this is compulsory.Booking this service requires an active membership.

Exclusive Dog Walk 30m (Lunch time special)
30 分钟
Access to genius Dog Park’s fully fenced, secure property for 30 minutes. These sessions are only valid between 12pm and 2pm.For clients who have attended an Intro Session - this is compulsory.Booking this service requires an active membership.&
Private Training
60 分钟
A private appointment at our fenced-off park with our qualified trainer to address any training or behavior concerns that you may be experiencing with your dogs. This may include park etiquette and behavior, reactivity, loose-leash walking, recall, a
Bordeaux Single 30m Sessions
30 分钟
32 客户评论