08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
08:00 - 16:00
Welcome to Dining by Design Personal Chef Services! I save you precious time, money and sanity by providing fresh, nutritious, custom meals prepared in the convenience of your own home. Healthy eating lifestyles are my specialty and I focus on your individual needs and goals. Healthy prepared meals and custom eating plans are available for your busy lifestyle. Chef Brandy is a Fitness and Nutrition Chef plus Health and Wellness Coach with a medical background.Other services include prep for meals and snacks (ie juicing, smoothies, Paleo, Keto, Gerson, 40-30-30, Zone), e-meals (custom menus/recipes sent by email internationally), grocery shopping and delivery plus kitchen and pantry organization/makeover/stocking.Complimentary consultations are available to review your individual needs. Sign up today (see above) or call me for a no-charge consultation. More services are highlighted on the brochure, but all offerings are customized to fit your individual needs-just ask! Dining by Design serves Reno, Sparks, Carson City, Lake Tahoe and surrounding areas of Nevada and California. A free newsletter, blog, message forum and recipes are available at www.ChefBrandy.com.Our motto is "Slow food for fast lives!" TERMS & CONDITIONS Bookings are tentative until payment/menu/assessment/signed policies are received.Chef Days should be scheduled at least 1 week in advance for all new clients. Please visit our website for policies including payments, cancellations and rescheduling.* Scheduling/acceptance of services is an automatic agreement to all policies. * SEND US A MESSAGE团队组成

Chef Brandy Hackbarth

Full Service Chef Day (5-8 hours plus planning) -Tailored Pricing-
480 分钟
For menu packages of 4 or more meals. Includes travel and shopping time. Scheduled after your 30 minute no-cost consultation by phone. Tentative until payment is received. I shop at 8am, arrive between 9:30am and 10am and leave by 3:30pm.

À la Carte Chef Day (3-5 hours plus planning) -Tailored Pricing-
300 分钟
For menu packages of 3 meals. Includes travel and shopping time. Scheduled after your 30 minute no-cost consultation by phone. Tentative until payment is received. I shop at 8am, arrive between 9:30am and 10am and leave by 12:30pm.

30 minute no-cost consultation (by phone)
30 分钟
Phone call to discuss and plan your service. This time is for general questions about my offerings and how we can work together.

60 minute consultation (by phone) $35
60 分钟
Phone call to discuss and plan your service in more detail as needed. Scheduled after your 30 minute no-cost consultation, this time is for further customization. Tentative until payment is received.

Kitchen & Pantry Organization (“Kitchen Whisperer”) -Tailored Pricing-
240 分钟
Toss that 30 year old bottle of poultry seasoning and the unmarked baggie of... who knows what! Chef Brandy will come and revamp your space for you. 4 hour minimum including travel and shopping time. Start fresh!
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