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Rebellion BJJ
Friendly and welcoming martial arts school teaching Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/No Gi. We offer classes 7 days a week (alterations occur due to Covid-19) for adults and children, beginner to advanced. Our coaches are highly skilled and dedicated, fully insur

Book Therapy
Zarezervujte si půlhodinu pro své soukromé nákupy. Bezpečně, v klidu, s našim kurátorem k dispozici pro radu, tipy i pomoc. Při rezervaci zaplatíte zálohu, která vám bude odečtena z vašeho nákupu.

The Madras Restaurant
Welcome to The Madras Restaurant, an award winning restaurant of 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Trip-Advisor. The Madras is a family run business and we understand that everyone likes to feel special. Especially customers who have decided to d