CPSY Practicum 2023
We will meet via Zoom. On the day of your appointment, please join my Zoom room at your appointment time. I will admit you from the waiting room as soon as I finish with my previous appointment: https://kansas.zoom.us/my/cpsypracticum

Office of Multicultural Affairs
The Office of Multicultural Affairs at the University of Kansas provides support to students with marginalized identities.
MACU Biology Advising
Biology Advisement/Semester Enrollment for both new and current MACU students.
Annsley West
Annsley West teaches violin and viola lessons privately in Vero Beach, Florida. Annsley grew up in the Birmingham, Alabama area where she studied with Jeffery Flaniken. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Violin Performance from Samford Unive
Innovation Hub
Use this calendar to schedule a meeting or reservation for 3D Printing, Podcasting, Virtual Reality, and more!