We’ve brought together wisdom, academia, neuroscience, storytelling and passion to create a one-of-a-kind consultancy that is committed to connecting leaders deeper sense of purpose in order to help them create future fit organizations driven by a responsibility to a greater good.Simon Lamb is committed to people realising who they are, living with conviction and making a difference in the places they work. He blends business, the arts and learning effortlessly to create coherent and compelling interventions that create waves in organisations.Simon Lamb has worked in diverse environments to deliver quality impactful interventions from his first career in professional theatre to his recent role as a consultant in Leadership and Culture. The common thread is helping individuals, teams and organisations to thrive. From creating immersive experiences, to designing whole leadership programmes, to designing structures and systems, through to being in out the field making change a reality. Simon is an experienced Organisation Development, strategy and transformation director. He is also an experienced lead facilitator and team effectiveness coach working with groups, from small executive teams to 3000 people in one session.Since being young Simon has been curious about how people work, how they thrive and what sometimes gets in the way of them being at their best. This is Simon’s role and purpose; helping people be at their best more often and create a better working world.He has scoped, defined and implemented strategy and transformation approaches within public and private sectors focused very clearly on outcomes that drive behaviour change, business growth, organisational efficiency, customer focus and building competitive capability.Simon has, for the last 6 years, developed and delivered an all systems culture change programme focused on ethical decision making, moral values and behaviours, aligned to corporate and individual purpose in a global bank touching 250,000 people.Simon has worked globally across all continents with brands such as HSBC, EY, Bupa, Cap Gemini, BBC, DWP, HMRC and Barclays.“I am a father of three boys. My eldest was diagnosed severely autistic at the age of 2 ½; he made no eye contact, had no language, and showed little affection. Autism affected almost every aspect of normal life; he hated loud noises and any form of eating out or going out was a challenge. We were told he would be dependent his whole life. At 6 I discovered him in the lounge covering the walls with markers. The value of respect had been instilled in me from childhood ‘respect my stuff and I will respect you’. In that moment I decided to reconsider doing what I had always done; to tell him off, let Tom know he was wrong. I realised that had not worked. I picked up some pens and joined in with Tom. This caused an unexpected connection that resulted in eye contact for the first time. The connection was just the beginning in 2015 he got a job, a girlfriend & moved out to lead his own life.” – Simon Lamb