Bernadette Planès Réflexologue
Cabinet de réflexologie plantaire et palmaire, massage Aroma détente mains et pieds, Chi Nei Tsang, visualisation et bilan en diététique chinoise à Soullans, près de Challans en Vendée. Des pratiques bien-être et thérapeutiques pour tous : adultes, b
Réflexologie Palmaire (adulte) : tarif 60€
Chi Nei Tsang : tarif 60€
Massage Aroma détente mains et pieds : tarif 45€

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Indaiá Eventos
Events (regular and recurring)
Para realizar um agendamento clique no botão RESERVAR, e tenha em mãos o nome do salão contratado e código do seu evento. Qualquer dúvida entre em contato através do seu grupo oficial no Whatsapp. Horários especiais para visitação com aten
Visita com Fornecedores Terceirizados
Visita para Conhecer o Espaço
Ensaio de Dança ou Cerimônia
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Оформление записи к психотерапевту (доступно 10 сеансов)
Прием психотерапевта
Прием терапевта
Тестирование на COVID-19
Mad about Mess
Events (regular and recurring)
We provide a wide variety of messy and sensory play activities for all children from 6months to 5years. Come along , let them play and get messy and leave all the tidying up to me :). We are a very friendly and relaxed group and would love to s
Longworth Village Hall, Church Lane, OX13 5DX, Longworth
Show on mapBuckland Memorial Hall, SN7 8QT, Buckland
Show on mapSteventon Village Hall, The Green, OX13 6RR, Steventon
Show on mapMessy and Sensory Play at Longworth Village Hall
Messy and Sensory Play at Buckland Memorial Hall

Blackflag Studio
Events (regular and recurring)
Bienvenid@ a nuestra página de reservas! Aquí podrás escoger entre horas disponibles y reservar tu ensayo en nuestra Sala de Ensayo Blackflag.

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