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Jaiye Industries
I'm an experienced Health Coach and Hypnotherapist, that understands the accelerated impact mental strategies and behavioral change have on a person if done properly. It doesn't have to be long and difficult for the changes to be rapid. I'm here

Azl Sophrologie
Nathalie Deudon, votre sophrologue, peut vous aider à faire face au stress et aux défis de la vie quotidienne, ainsi qu'aux efforts professionnels, créatifs et sportifs. Grâce à des techniques simples de relaxation, respiration, détente et visualisat

Trinity Chiropractic
Dr. Stormie Reiman provides individualized chiropractic care for every patient.
New Patient Consultation
Chiropractic Visit

Sobe Health Center
If you were injured by someone else's negligence, call our office now. Board-certified physicians deliver superior class therapy and DOT Exams. With patients being our top priority, Sobe Health Center welcomes patients who have been injured in a Nort
Car Accident First Visit
Slip And Fall First Visit
Medical DOT Exam

Healing Grace
I am a Reiki healer looking to start my own business. Starting with online Distance Reiki and building up to sessions at a location. I also offer crystal healing, Reiki withh color, Hand mudras and am certified in hypnotherapy.
Regular Reiki Session
Reiki with Crystal Healing

betterness acupuncture & herbs
Acupuncture, herbs, cupping, scraping, massage, moxibustion, and easy to accomplish lifestyle hacks give you betterness. Which will make you better.
Perth, Suite 8, Level 2, London Court, 647 Hay St Perth
Perth, Suite 8, Level 2, London Court, 647 Hay St Perth Show on map
Psychologist Alternative medicine
Certifiée en tant que Psychopraticienne en thérapie brève, TCC , Psycho-généalogiste, Sophrologue ( par des établissements privés sérieux partenaire d'université: paris et de Mons , par des professeurs en exercice en tant que psychiatre, psychologue

Oppliger Hypnose & Coaching
Oppliger Hypnose & Coaching bietet zeitgemässe und achtsamkeitsbasierte Hypnosetherapie an. Meine Praxis liegt zentral in St. Gallen, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Bahnhofs. Du kannst ganz einfach und bequem online Termine buchen. Meine Hypnose Th

Ghueldre Naturopathie
Naturopathe et réflexologue certifiée. Accompagnement de troubles de santé, renforcement du système immunitaire, amélioration du bien-être. Équilibrage de l'alimentation et des habitudes de vie, utilisation de compléments alimentaires, de phytothéra