FIT UNITED: Strength | Mobility | Rehab
Fitness Coaching Sports Doctor
Fit United stands for just that - Unity in Fitness. The idea behind Fit United is that you and I should have the ability to live our fullest, fittest, and most fulfilling lives. We all should. Our aim is to help break down the barriers that keep y
Personal Training Initial Consultation
Personal Training Session
Tandem Personal Training Session
Dunamis Coaching
Personal coaching is all about you. It is about bringing clarity to the things that you want for your life--and about discovering the things that will move you forward into the future that you want. Coaching provides the energy and insigh
Functional Wellness
Functional Wellness offers coaching to help you on the path to optimal health and happiness. Together, we can investigate the root cause of your symptoms, strategize ways to overcome obstacles, and discover what is really most important to you.
Helen Gray - Living Well, Working Well
Compassion Based Self-Care and doTERRA Essential OilsMy mission is to support stressed out professionals to find the tools and mindset to put their needs first and in the process empower their families to thrive!
15 minute Because YOU Care consultation
1:1 doTERRA Essential Oils Wellness Consult
Host a doTERRA Essential Oils Class
Platinum IDS
Write a description about your company or about you as a service provider. You can add other service providers inside the system and each can have his own description.
Alternative medicine Coaching Spiritual services
Magalie Chatellard Sophrologue certifiée RNCP Séances individuelles et collectives en cabinet Montmorency (95), à domicile, en visio et en entreprise.
Personal Training
Coaching à domicile
Séance d'essai personelle
J'accompagne les (futurs) parents pendant la grossesse et en postnatal en leur partageant des infos fiables et rassurantes.
Rendez-vous individuel
Atelier collectif "Mon projet de naissance "
Mon Coach Transformation
Prenez rendez-vous pour votre transformation et obtenir les résultats que vous voulez vraiment.Premier rendez-vous offert.