LCI Barcelona
LCI Barcelona posa a la disposició de tots els estudiants un servei de suport per a casos amb necessitats específiques per al bon desenvolupament d'aprenentatge o dificultats que requereixin suport durant el curs ja siguin individuals com a
Universität Bremen
Für unser Forschungsprojekt suchen wir Jugendliche im Alter zwischen 15 und 19 Jahren, die ein Interview mit uns machen möchten. In dem Interview wollen wir mehr darüber erfahren, wie Du Dich mit Hilfe digitaler Medien, besonders mit YouTube, zu D
Elite Credit Repair
Is your credit holding you back from achieving your dreams & goals? Maybe you haven't been able to get that vehicle or home you've always wanted? Bad credit can be very difficult and expensive but no worries, at Ophicial Investors we have helped
Lin's online english
Hi, thank you for coming here. My name is Lin and I am a freelancer based in London.I am a professional in the field of teaching with an undergraduate and masters degree in Linguistics at a top university in the UK. I offer a vast number of serv
Reynolds School District Instructional Coaching Team
Coaching Educational events Coaching Language Courses Interview scheduling
We offer support with implementation and refinement of instructional initiatives through training, collaborative problem-solving, and collaborative innovation.Please select from our service options and follow prompts to schedule an initial meeting&nb
Instructional Coaching: Custom
Sheltered Instruction
The Country Club of Mobile Kids Club
The Country Club of Mobile offers a drop off center for children 1-10 so that Parents or Grandparents can enjoy the amenities of the club KIDS FREE! There is an annual fee of $100 and a hourly rate of $5/hour per child. Parents and Grandparents
Kid's Club 1 Hour
Kid's Club 2 hours
Kid's Club 3 Hours
L’EDBN est depuis une figure incontournable dans l’univers de la formation périnatale. Elle a pour idée phare d’effectuer une réflexion et un travail de fond : tant au niveau des besoins profonds du bébé et de sa famille, qu’au niveau des acteurs du
Porsgrunn videregående skole
Målet med veiledningen er at du selv skal få et godt grunnlag for å gjøre et gjennomtenkt og selvstendig valg med hensyn til hvilken utdannings- eller yrkesvei som er den beste etter endt videregående skole. For å gjøre et best mulig fagvalg, er d
Biblioteca "Don Sergio Rosso"
La Biblioteca "Don Sergio Rosso" a Biella Piazzo, situata nello storico Palazzo Gromo Losa, è un luogo prezioso per gli amanti della cultura e della conoscenza. La biblioteca offre una vasta selezione di libri umanistici e psicologici, consultabili