UMO studija šeimoms
UMO - studija šeimoms. Lavinamoji veikla 1-4 metų vaikams ir tėvams, adaptacinis pusdienio darželis ir užsiėmimai tėveliams bei nėščiosioms
Lavinamasis užsiėmimas | 1-2 metų amžiaus grupė | Vienkartinis apsilankymas
Lavinamasis užsiėmimas | Mišri amžiaus grupė | 1-4 metai | Vienkartinis apsilankymas
Lavinamieji užsiėmimai | 8 mėn - 1 metai | 4 savaitės | 1 kartas savaitėje
One Million Degrees
Financial services Colleges Language Courses Psychologist Attorneys
One Million Degrees (OMD) empowers low-income, highly motivated community college students to succeed in school, in work, and in life. Our unique scholar development model combines mentoring, tutoring, academic advising, life- and professionalism-ski

Regular lesson - 50 mins
Regular lesson - 25 mins
IELTS mock exam - 25 mins
Show on map1 Lot Le Grand Dantelle, ETG 1, 83170, BRIGNOLES
Show on map83170, BRIGNOLES
Show on mapCambridge Japanese
Welcome to the new Cambridge Japanese booking system. You can self-book all of your lessons here for any timeslot you desire.Please follow the instructions here to book your Japanese lessons.For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.Skype
Cambridge, 108 Arbury Road, CB4 2JF (Studio 2 lessons with Yoshi/Ayako/Sayaka/Yoko)
Cambridge, 108 Arbury Road, CB4 2JF (Studio 2 lessons with Yoshi/Ayako/Sayaka/Yoko) Show on mapBook a 1 hour Japanese Lesson (Online)
Discounted 1 Hour Trial Japanese Lesson with Yoshi/Rie Sensei (1st Lesson only)
Discounted 5 Single Lesson Package
VSB - Verein Schulbuch zur Durchführung der Schulbuchaktion
Buchen Sie gleich einen Schulungstermin für die Schulbuchaktion 2019/20. Jetzt buchen Achtung: Ausnahmslos maximal 2 Teilnehmer pro Schulbuchvertrag!Für jeden weiteren Teilnehmer werden € 150,- netto in Rechnung gestellt.Melden Sie bitte jeden
Workshop WIEN
Veranstaltung für Verlage & Auslieferungen
The Sage Brush Art School
"The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before." Neil GaimanThis is a place of creativity, discovery, and growth.We teach drawing and painting according to your skills and go from there. Ages 7 and up. We ar
The Creators (7-9 yrs old) THURSDAYS 4PM
The Artiste (10-12 yrs old) 5:30PM TUESDAYS
The Innovators (teenagers) 5:30PM THURSDAYS

Частные уроки английского и китайского языков
Занятия с репетитором по английскому и китайскому языкам для детей и взрослых по Skype. Опыт работы 8 лет. Практикующий переводчик. Пробное занятие бесплатно!
Китайский язык 60 мин
Английский язык 60 мин
Английский язык 30 мин
CLICK BOOK NOW TO SEE ALL THE OPTIONS WE OFFER!Integrated online live language tutor that is offered in many languages! Prep yourself for the future and choose a class and teacher that will best suit your needs and help you reach your language goals