Lingo Master
Cancellation & Rescheduling PolicyIf you wish to reschedule (change the time of) a lesson, please do not click on the ”cancel” button. That will cancel the lesson permanently and you will not be able to reschedule it. Therefore, you should only p
General Romanian (all levels) - 60 minutes
General Romanian (all levels) - 30 minutes
General English (all levels) - 30 minutes

Rock Valley College
Rock Valley College is a comprehensive two-year community college in Rockford, Illinois, offering more than 100 courses for transfer, career programs, and certificates. Rock Valley College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a memb

CK Centrum Korepetycji
Centrum Korepetycji on-line (cały świat). Korepetycje z dojazdem na terenie gmin Prudnik i Głuchołazy.
Korepetycje z biologii dla szkoły podstawowej
Korepetycje z biologii - do matury
Korepetycje z biologii dla szkół średnich (bez matury)

お申込みとプログラム購入:1. プログラムを購入する:左上にありますので、クリックしてください。2. ご注意!プログラムを始めたい日付を入れてください!その日からご利用期間が始まります。スタート日を変更してください。3. 新しいアカウントを作成してください。名前(ローマ字)、メールアドレス、パスワードを入力する。4. お支払い方法(クレジットカード)、購入を確認する。レッスン予約1. トップページに戻り、真ん中のブルーの「予約する」ボックスをクリッ

L'institut de formation des métiers de la couture propose des formations professionnels.
Matrix Uniforms
Matrix Uniforms is a West Australian family owned and operated company specialising in the distribution of superior quality school and sportswear through school uniform shops and online. Our mission is to make you feel that "We are part of your sc
JSR Uniform Fittings
Mandurah Showroom
Lesmurdie SHS - Uniform Fitting

불어를 배웠는데 바쁜 일정 때문에 불어를 사용할 시간 없으세요 ?전화로 언제 어디서 원어민 강사와 불어로 대화해보세요 ! - 프랑스 회사를 다니시는 분들- 시험 때문에 걱정하시는 학생들- 취미로 배우고 계신 분들- 곧 프랑스 여행을 가실 분들모두 대환영 !카카오채널 추가하기
주2회 - 10분 (4주 총 80분) - 화목
주2회 - 20분 (4주 총 160분) - 화목
주2회 - 10분 (4주 총 80분)

Positive Primary Kids Tutoring
Engaging, nurturing and effective tutoring with an experienced and qualified former primary school teacher.Services include:KS2 MathsKS2 English11 Plus tutoringStructured, multi-sensory support for neurodiverse learnersLearning programmes are careful
Individual tutoring (1 hour - £40)
Individual tutoring (45 minutes - £35)
Individual online tutoring (1 hour - £40)

Daniel ML - Go Baduk Weiqi Lessons For DDKs
Popular Go / Baduk / Weiqi Twitch streamer and AGA 2 Dan, Daniel ML, provides lessons for players ranked between 20 kyu and 10 kyu. Lessons are $10 for 1 hour and include a short personalized lesson, reviews of up to 3 games over the previous week,