Sewcial Pantry by Alfya Atelier
Educational events Hair treatments Leisure game rental Interview scheduling Universities
A place where like-minded creatives can gather over coffee and cakes and create, at the same time, supporting individuals with special needs, from underprivileged backgrounds and women & youth at risk with an opportunity for gainful employment. We
Singapore, 7 Pahang St
Singapore, 7 Pahang StSingapore, 7 Pahang St
Show on mapAcademy Level 2
Show on mapSewcial Pantry Level 1
Show on mapSewcial Pantry Level 1
Show on mapESTB-X
Pattern Making-1 Modern Baju Kurung
Sewing Techniques-4 Types of Pockets
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Hi, my name is Julie. I am the owner of Hair Of Fashion By: Julie Marcelina. Looking back I've always had a knack for helping others succeed and be better equip for employers to see what my clients bring to the table. Also, at the same time being ope
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Learning Development Centre
The Learning Development Centre (LDC) is now working with alternative provision until further notice. No face-to-face meetings or drop-ins will be available and instead, all appointments will be carried out virtually by email, online, or Skyp
Academic Development
Information & Communication Technologies Skills

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Anabon Security is a leading distributor of security products with over 30 years of experience within the security industry. We work closely with our clients as well as our suppliers to not only provide product, but to provide solutions.
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T.I. Dynamic Facades
T.I. Dynamic Facades is a leading natural rainscreen facade company based in Moodiesburn, dedicated to providing top-notch facades solutions to enhance the appearance and functionality of your buildings. We specialize in a range of facade options tha