Embassies and consulates


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Консульский отдел Посольства Кыргызской Республики в Королевстве Бельгия

Embassies and consulates

Консульский отдел Посольства Кыргызской Республики в Королевстве Бельгии, г. Брюссель

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Brussels, Rue de l'Abbaye - Abdijstraat, 47

Brussels, Rue de l'Abbaye - Abdijstraat, 47 Show on map

Нотариальные услуги


Консульская легализация (Consular legalization)


Получение визы в Кыргызскую Республику (visa application)


Кыргыз Республикасынын Корея Республикасындагы Элчилигинин Консулдук бөлүмү

Embassies and consulates

Электрондук кабыл алуу системасы/Система электронной записи на приём

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Seoul, 16-10 Seobinggo-ro 91ra-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 서울 용산구 서빙고로91라길 16-10

Seoul, 16-10 Seobinggo-ro 91ra-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 서울 용산구 서빙고로91라길 16-10 Show on map

Получение/обмен общегражданского (заграничного) паспорта/Идентификационный карты КР


ЗАГС (Записи актов гражданского состояния)


Нотариальные услуги


Antrag biometrischer Reisepass ODER Personalausweis - Demande de passeport biométrique OU carte d'identité - Request for biometric passport OR identity card


Royal Thai Embassy, Phnom Penh

Embassies and consulates

การยื่นคำร้อง 1. กรุณานัดหมายล่วงหน้าผ่านระบบจองออนไลน์ และเตรียมเอกสารให้ครบถ้วนตามที่กำหนด 2. ผู้ขอหนังสือเดินทางจะต้องเดินทางมาทำหนังสือเดินทางด้วยตนเอง เพื่อพิมพ์ลายนิ้วมือและถ่ายรูป 3. กรณีผู้เยาว์ (อายุต่ำกว่า 20 ปี) บิดาและมารดาต้อง

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Sangkat Boeng Trabaek, Preah Norodom Blvd (St: 41)

Sangkat Boeng Trabaek, Preah Norodom Blvd (St: 41) Show on map



Ambassade de la Rép. Dém. du Congo | Embassy of the Dem. Rep. of Congo

Embassies and consulates

Bienvenue sur le portail de réservation et d'enregistrement des Services Consulaires de l'Ambassade de la République du Congo pour : VISA | Passeport Biométrique | Carte d'identité Consulaire | Legalisation | Identification des CD

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London Borough of Camden, Consular Services | Services Consulaires, 281 Gray's Inn Road

London Borough of Camden, Consular Services | Services Consulaires, 281 Gray's Inn Road Show on map

Dépôt de demande de VISA | VISA application submission


Dépôt de demande AUTRE DOC | OTHER application submission


Expatriates Booking - Identity Malta Agency

Embassies and consulates

Identity Malta’s mission is to execute the functions and duties of the Public Administration in matters relating to passports, visa, identity documents, work & residence documents & the registration of public deeds & acts of civil status.

Biometrics Appointment


Famous Vashikaran Specialist

Embassies and consulates

Getting to Famous Vashikaran Specialist will make a person to find a better remedy to various problems. Vashikaran is worth to use in any situation. A person must have to be aware that how should they have to use it. call now:-(+91-9876706621)http://


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Vernier, 8 Chemin de la Verseuse

Vernier, 8 Chemin de la Verseuse Show on map

jeux avec napo






Embassy of Switzerland

Embassies and consulates

Book your appointment for the visit of a representative of the Embassy of Switzerland with the Mobile Passport Station for the collection of biometric data in Auckland by clicking on the "Book Now" button above. Please bring the following document

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Auckland, Europe House, University of Technology, 56 Wakefield Street

Auckland, Europe House, University of Technology, 56 Wakefield Street Show on map

Mobile Passport Station

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Marseille, 25 Boulevard Carmagnole

Marseille, 25 Boulevard Carmagnole Show on map

Konsuler KJRI Marseille
