Events and entertainment


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Weingut Schäfer

Events (regular and recurring)

Seit 75 Jahren ist Wein bei uns Familiensache. Eng verbunden mit der Natur arbeiten wir generationsübergreifend seit 1948 zusammen. Unser Ziel ist es vielschichtige Weine von hoher Qualität herzustellen und dabei der Natur so wenig wie möglich ins Ha

Weinproben-Flight - DIY-Tasting

12,00 €

Kleine Weinprobe (ab 4 Pers.)

15,00 €

Große Weinprobe (ab 10 bis 35 Pers.)

20,00 €


Art classes

Dedicated and specialized pottery studio located in Singapore. We conduct pottery classes and workshops designed for everyone whether you are experienced or have no experience. Flexible booking hours for classes or non-guided practice sessions. Inter

Location icon

2 Pereira Road #05-02A, 2connectt@TS

2 Pereira Road #05-02A, 2connectt@TS Show on map

Studio Practice Package


Alpacas at the Field

Events (regular and recurring)

We have a small alpaca herd, offering an alpaca experience tailored to your group.

Adult Alpaca Experience with 2 alpacas - £45


Adult and Child Experience with 2 alpacas - £45


Hotel Beauty Night

Events (regular and recurring)

Hotel Beauty NightLa prima edizioneL’evento itinerante dedicato alle donne che con la loro vita frenetica, tra lavoro e famiglia, non riescono più a trovare un po’ di tempo per loro stesse. Una serata dove possono coccolarsi con trattamenti Beauty

Location icon

Rome, via del porto fluviale 69, scala D int 25

Rome, via del porto fluviale 69, scala D int 25 Show on map

Massaggio - Rilassante

70,00 €

Massaggio - Rilassante

40,00 €

Massaggio - Ayurvedico

70,00 €
Location icon

Kapuvár, Esterházy Pál sétány 2.

Kapuvár, Esterházy Pál sétány 2. Show on map

VR - 30 perc - Helyszíni fizetés - 3 990 Ft per fő


Holiday - 1 óra


Holiday - 2 óra


Ginger's, Westgate-on-Sea

Events (regular and recurring)

Ginger's Karaoke Booth is open 7 days a week between 5pm and 11pm in one hourly slots. Karaoke costs £5 per person per hour or which not take advantage of our group booking special offer which costs £40 for over 7 people. The booth itself holds betw

Location icon

Canterbury, 38 Station Road, Westgate-on-Sea

Canterbury, 38 Station Road, Westgate-on-Sea Show on map

Karaoke Booth


Karaoke Booth (Group Bookings)


photographer KENGO MAEDA (前田賢吾)

Photographers Events (regular and recurring)

Artist profile : KENGO MAEDA : WORK Studio photography Tourist photography Wedding photography Interview photography Artist photography KIMONOPHOTO Tokyo city guide Toyama city Yaomachi tourist guide Photographing Japanese cities and culture is my li

Location icon

文京区, 文京区目白台一丁目

文京区, 文京区目白台一丁目 Show on map

Tourist photos TOKYO (2 hour. 3 to 5 family members and friends)


TOKYO ART PORTRAIT (Machi to Hito) (3hour Single or couple)


TOKYO ART PORTRAIT (Machi to Hito) (4hour Single or couple)


Visite guidée Grande Synagogue

7,00 €

Visite guidée Grande Synagogue - Tarif réduit (-26 ans)

5,00 €


Art classes

We are a handmade store that sells a variety of handmade products and also offers tufting workshops for making your own handmade rug. In our workshops, you can choose from different frame sizes and design and create your own rug using colorful yarns

MINI Tufting Workshop (20*20inch frame/ 2+ hrs) Pay after workshop


MEDIUM Tufting Workshop (27.5*27.5inch frame/ 3+ hrs) Pay after workshop


LARGE Tufting Workshop (35.5*35.5inch frame/ 4+ hrs) Pay after workshop


Play Day

Events (regular and recurring)

Наша компанія відзначається багатством різноманітних програм для дітей у Відні. Ми пропонуємо широкий вибір костюмів, а також можливість вибору індивідуальних програм для будь-якого віку. Запрошуйте нас, і ми створимо неповторний та веселий дитячий з

Новорічна казка 1 - 5 років

1h 30m
39,00 €

Новорічна казка 6 - 12 років

1h 30m
39,00 €

Експрес вітання Санти на Дім

95,00 €