Querbeet GmbH
Schön, dass du hier bist. Bitte wähle dir einen für Dich passenden Massagetermin. Ich wünsche eine erholsame Zeit.
Point of Contact Massage
Happy Summer GSK!!Welcome to Point of Contact Massage. We strongly believe that massage isn't a luxury, but a necessity. Take a few minutes to take care of you by leaving some of the stressors of life on our table. At just $1/min, you can tak
Ayurveda Wellness
Achtsame, professionelle Massagen und Wellness Behandlungen aus dem Ayurveda und der modernen westlichen Körperarbeit - Klassische Massage - Tiefenmassage - Ayurveda Massage - Shirodhara
Você merece um momento de relaxamento e bem-estar em meio à agitação de São Paulo, e é exatamente isso que a Massagem_abf oferece. Especializada em massagens terapêuticas, estamos prontos para proporcionar a você uma experiência única e revitalizante
Massagem relaxante
Reflexologia podal
Drenagem linfática
Remedial & Energy Therapy
ENERGY FIELD MASSAGE" treatments are unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Our specially-trained ENERGY MASSAGE therapists customize each experience using herbal-infused cream, and ancient techniques to balance your unique mind-body type
ENERGY THERAPY 60 mins $140 / first experience $ 99
PEACH HIP MUSCLE WAVE ENERGY THERAPY 30 mins $70/ first expercise $50
Jomas Relaxatiemassages
Gediplomeerd masseur Johan in het groene en rustige Maria-Aalter. Zalig ontspannende massages met technieken uit oost en west. Vakkundige massages voor dames en heren met volle aandacht en respect voor de bezoeker. Huiselijk en verwelkomend.
Jomas 60' (55€)
Jomas 90' (80€)
Jomas 120' (105€)
salon Bilanca @ Shunkoin Temple
Bilanca gives Holistic Massage to stay guests at Shunkoin Temple in English.Body therapist YUKIE has been learning and giving several technics such as Aromatherapy, Holosophy, Thai massage, Shiatsu, Facia, etc, for over 16 years.Yukie 's website
Kyoto, Ukyo-ku, hanazono myoshinjicho 42
Kyoto, Ukyo-ku, hanazono myoshinjicho 42Kyoto, Ukyo-ku, hanazono myoshinjicho 42
Show on map右京区, 花園妙心寺町42, 616-8035, 京都市
Show on map