25% Seated Acupressure Massage Offer
Tartu, W. Struve 4, II korrus
Tartu, W. Struve 4, II korrusTartu, W. Struve 4, II korrus
Show on mapW. Struve 4, 51003, Tartu
Show on mapRiia 136b, 51003, Tartu linn
Show on mapFüsioteraapia (esmane) vastuvõtt
Füsioteraapia (korduv) vastuvõtt
Klassikaline massaaž 60 min

"這是一個由職能治療師創立的全齡手刀筋膜放鬆團隊,提供傳統整復推拿民俗調理服務、筋膜放鬆、運動按摩、成人療癒瑜珈及核心瑜珈的瑜伽運動,兒童瑜珈、親子瑜珈服務,介紹如下: 1.傳統整復推拿區:提供全身推拿、整復等民俗調理 2.肌肉平衡區:提供腰酸背痛、肩頸酸痛、肢體酸痛的筋膜放鬆以及運動按摩 3.兒童遊戲區:兒童瑜伽、兒童全腦開發、感統藝術、感統遊戲空間、兒童發展諮詢、各式玩具文具買賣"服務項目:筋膜放鬆/臉部撥筋/胸肋骨呼吸筋膜調理/骨盆調理/運動按摩/傳統整復推拿/筋膜放鬆教學/瑜珈教學創辦人

Skin Care and Massage by Carlita
Facial Treatments Dermatologist Massage
Skin Care and Massage by Carlita offers premier beauty, healthcare and spa treatment services in Antioch, CA. Whether you want to enhance your natural beauty, improve your overall health or just escape from the trials of a long day. Skin
Salt or Sugar Scrub with Massage
Custom Massage
Foot Soak, Scrub & Massage

Hegeia Relaxation
Hegeia Relaxation, institut de massage à La Chapelle Heulin propose des massages bien être en cabinet et à domicile sur les régions de Vallet (44330), Clisson (44190), St Julien de Concelles (44450), Basse Goulaine (44115), La Haie Fouassière (446
Massage Amma sur chaise 15 mn
Massage Facio-cranien 30mn
Massage Pieds 30mn

Blissful Serenity Massage Therapies
Our purpose is to deliver an inclusive and personalised massage experience catering to the individual needs for everyone whatever their gender or sexual orientation.Embracing diversity and respecting the unique needs and preferences of each and every
Guildford, 4 Paris, Parklands
Guildford, 4 Paris, ParklandsGuildford, 4 Paris, Parklands
Show on map4 Paris, Parklands, GU2 9JX, Guildford
Show on map2A Prebend Street, Islington, N1 8PT, London
Show on mapRelax We Have Your Back
A place to rejuvenate the mind, body and to feed the soul with knowledge to develop and expand the consciousness or simply just to pamper oneself with beauty treatments. The art of self love from the inside out.
Birmingham, 855 Bristol Road South, Northfield
Birmingham, 855 Bristol Road South, Northfield Show on map
Nuestros servicios destacados incluyen acupuntura, una técnica milenaria que ha demostrado ser efectiva para el alivio del estrés, el dolor crónico y diversos problemas de salud, así como masajes que no solo relajan tus músculos, sino que también ene
Guayaquil, Acupuntura y Masa, Avenida 25 de Julio, Guasmo Oeste, Guayaquil, Guayas, 090102, Ecuador
Guayaquil, Acupuntura y Masa, Avenida 25 de Julio, Guasmo Oeste, Guayaquil, Guayas, 090102, Ecuador Show on map
Julie's Chinese Massage
Specialising in Chinese Therapeutic massage Julie is expert at providing remedial massage for improving mobility and the freeing restrictions of tired aching muscles. Trained in China, Julie uses traditional Chinese massage techniques and reflexology
Relaxation Oil Massage 30min (2 parts & hot stones)
Relaxation Oil Massage 90min (full body & hot stones)
Relaxation Oil Massage 2hr (full body & hot stones)

Steve Campbell Remedial Massage
Welcome, I am Steve Campbell and this is my online appointment booking system. Please choose from the services I offer above, pick a time and enter your details. You will receive a text / email reminder 24 hours before your scheduled treatment. If yo
Remedial Massage - 30 Minutes
45 Minutes
60 Minutes

Jasmin Thai Wellness & Spa
WOHLFÜHLEN SO WEIT DIE SINNE REICHENLassen Sie den Alltagsstress hinter sich. Erholen Sie sich in unseren sehr schönen Räumlichkeiten. Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von verschiedenen Massagen ganz nach Ihren Bedürfnissen an. Der Kunde steht bei uns im Zen