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Nicolas Poletti - Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise à Toulouse
Bonjour, je suis Nicolas Poletti, praticien en médecine traditionnelle chinoise.Je vous reçois en cabinet à Toulouse centre et me déplace à votre domicile pour des séances de médecine traditionnelle Chinoise.C’est une approche holistique de l’individ
Séance de Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise -50€
Utiliser un bon Cadeau

Optimum Health Screening
Optimum Health Screening offers full body private health checks at an affordable price. We focus on preventative health care, detecting any signs of illness before it’s too late, educating and guiding you towards living a longer, happier and healthie
Essential Health Check - £115 | 21 blood tests and 17 clinical checks | Cholesterol | Diabetes | Liver | Kidneys | Iron | Bone Health
Advanced Health Check - £145 | 35 different blood tests and 18 clinical checks | Blood Health | Diabetes | Liver | Heart Health | Bone Health | Iron |
Optimal Health Check - £189 | 39 different blood tests and 20 clinical checks | Blood Health | Diabetes | Liver | Heart Health | Bone Health | Iron | Thyroid | Immune Health | Inflammation | Heart Age | Heart Disease Risk

Mullingar Dental Gumshields
Book now for your 3D image to have your Impact gumshield 3D printed especially for your mouth. Impact gumshields are suitable for all sports people (including people wearing fixed braces) from aged 7 upwards. Smaller, thinner and yet 20% stronger th
Co Westmeath, Austin Friar's Street , Mullingar
Co Westmeath, Austin Friar's Street , Mullingar Show on mapSpro Suitable for children from 6 years upwards

Jaiye Industries
I'm an experienced Health Coach and Hypnotherapist, that understands the accelerated impact mental strategies and behavioral change have on a person if done properly. It doesn't have to be long and difficult for the changes to be rapid. I'm here

Azl Sophrologie
Nathalie Deudon, votre sophrologue, peut vous aider à faire face au stress et aux défis de la vie quotidienne, ainsi qu'aux efforts professionnels, créatifs et sportifs. Grâce à des techniques simples de relaxation, respiration, détente et visualisat
Thérapie holistique basée sur la personne dans son unicité et dans sa globalité:-Hypnose thérapeutique adultes et enfants,- Soin énergétique Lahochi-Lithothérapie-Aromathérapie
Soin énergétique Magnétisme et Lahochi - Présentiel: 90 eur
Hypnose thérapeutique enfants/adolescents - Présentiel- 90 eur
Hypnose Thérapeutique adultes NGH- Présentiel ou distance- Première séance: 130 eur
Dr. D Strisiver Physician & Surgeon
Colon and rectal specialist Psychologist Universities Gynecologist
Dr. David Strisiver Physician & Surgeon Welcome!! Here you can find all the services provided, choose from available time slots, book an appointment and be reminded of appointment starts using sms and e-mail messaging.SATUR
Immunisations Adult/Travel. Phone First

Sobe Health Center
If you were injured by someone else's negligence, call our office now. Board-certified physicians deliver superior class therapy and DOT Exams. With patients being our top priority, Sobe Health Center welcomes patients who have been injured in a Nort
Car Accident First Visit
Slip And Fall First Visit
Medical DOT Exam
Somos un equipo de mujeres profesionales actualizadas y especializadas en nutrición materno - infanto - juvenil, trabajamos en base de programas personalizados. Apoyamos a familias en las dificultades que puedan surgir en los procesos de