Pet services


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Pet services

"North East Pet Care: Where Your Pets Feel Right at Home!"

Cat Sitting standard service - max 3 pets, 1 visit a day




DFor Day Care

Pet services

Owned and run by Fran & Chris who understand that your dog is more than a pet, they are part of your family. DFor offers a truly bespoke dog day care service tailored to each individual dog including:Plenty of safe, off-lead exercise in our secur

Location icon

Tewkesbury, Bangrove Farm, Teddington

Tewkesbury, Bangrove Farm, Teddington Show on map

Paddock hire


Paddock hire with 1 additional dog


Paddock hire with 2 additional dogs


Animal Adventures LLC

Pet services

I consider myself beyond blessed to have been given a true passion for animals. I pride myself on providing them with the life they deserve. After leaving Corporate America, it has allowed me to follow my purpose. I started out small with walking dog

30 minute visit


Smiths Pet Waste Removal Services

Pet services

Looking for top-notch pet waste removal services? Look no further! We pride ourselves on offering 5-star service to clean your yard. Our team of professionals is dedicated to keeping your outdoor space clean and odor-free. Say goodbye to the hassle o

Location icon

Edwardsburg , 70201 Elkhart Rd

Edwardsburg , 70201 Elkhart Rd Show on map

Basic Package


Deluxe Package


Premium Package



Pet services

WGB booking for Nicole

Basics Small


Basics Medium

1h 15m

Basics Large

1h 30m

Marie BERTIN - Educateur canin

Pet services

CONGE MATERNITE DU 16 AOUT AU 5 DECEMBRE 2024Bonjour,Ici, vous pouvez gérer vos rendez-vous !Retrouvez vos rendez-vous en haut à gauche sur "Mes réservations".Merci d'arriver au minimum 5 min avant le début des leçons individuelles et collectives po

Location icon

Cambron, D 925, (A proximité de Depann'80)

Cambron, D 925, (A proximité de Depann'80) Show on map

Bilan comportemental


Séance individuelle

40,00 €

Cours individuel à domicile ou en lieu public

40,00 €

Living In Wellbeing Online Services

Spiritual services Pet services Psychologist Coaching Legal services

Living In Wellbeing Online Services Centre For Human Perfection A Centre par Excellence for Mind Programming , Applied Life Themes, Spiritual Sciences, Positive Psychology, Life & Happiness Programs, Positive Health & Wellbeing

Change Your Bad Habits


Familie und Hund

Pet services

HundefotografieBeratungsdienstleistungen für Familien und Hund

Ein Welpe kommt ins Haus

37,00 €

Dein Hundeportrait


Allgemeine Beratung zum Leben mit einem Hund

39,00 €

Berkshire Dog Hikes

Pet services

Not your average dog walker! Berkshire Dog Hikes provides hikes for all friendly dogs who crave the outdoors, adventure and fun. We have designed 3 different hiking experiences on a variety of trails to fit the needs of each dog.Each dog will get pic

Easy Does It (3 miles or less) Dog Hike

1h 15m

Grand Slam (3 - 7 miles) Dog Hike

2h 30m

Wild Turkey (10+ miles) Dog Hike

6h 30m