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Diane Briol Naturopathe
« La santé est notre héritage, notre droit. C’est l’union parfaite entre l’âme, l’esprit et le corps ; il ne s’agit pas d’un idéal éloigné et difficile à atteindre, mais d’un idéal si simple et si naturel qu’il échappe à beaucoup d’entre nous.» E
RéflexSophie - réflexologie plantaire et palmaire
Sophie DUTOTRéflexologue plantaire et palmaireCertifiée école Normandie RéflexologieAffiliée à la Fédération Française des réflexologuesEnfants, adolescents et adultesTarif de la séance : 50€00 (à payer lors de la séance)
Kiddo Stations
Providing child minding services while the parents spend their time focussing on their daily activities and chores.

All Clear Labs
All Clear Labs provides clinical diagnostics tests, including Covid rapid antigen and PCR tests.
Highway Boulevard, 5801
Highway Boulevard, 5801Highway Boulevard, 5801
Show on map23931 Nichols Sawmill Rd, 77447, Hockley
Show on map14360 Memorial Dr, 77079, Houston
Show on map12511 Steeple Way Blvd, 77065, Houston
Show on map
Balance Your EnerQi
Welcome. My aim is to support you with your physical, mental and emotional well-being. I use techniques which include The Emotion Code, The Body Code and Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostics, during each session. These technique
Body Code / Emotion Code - Online Consultation £45
Body Code / Emotion Code - Telephone Consultation £35
Emotion Code Telephone Consultation £25

GemVCare Ltd
We are the first Hong Kong based genetic testing company specialized in diabetes.
BNL Detailingg
BNL Detailingg provides top-notch auto-detailing and cleaning services that will leave your car looking brand new. Located in Sacramento, we are dedicated to ensuring our clients receive the best service possible. Our services range from regular car