It's Rae, Love
Hey there! Do you want to know what messages your guides have been trying to send you? If yes, and if it seems we're on the same frequency then book a reading with me!
Analysis of astronomical maps and tarot readings, spiritual coaching
Magic Destino
Coucou les Soleils ☀️ , Voici mon site où tu pourras réserver toutes mes prestations, n’hésites pas à me poser des questions concernant une prestation, ⚠️Merci de ne pas oublier lors de votre réservation de noter votre pseudo Instagram dans la case
4 Crow Crossroads
Blessings and Welcome! I'm Bek Crow- a spiritual counselor who works in the realms of medicine and root work, divination, dream interpretation, and overall spiritual guidance. I work directly with the spirits of my tribal clan and initiated Paths to
General Reading (15 minutes)
Love and Relationship Reading (20 minutes)
In-Depth Reading (30 minutes)
Reiki Magie
Hol Dir Reiki in Dein Leben - und lebe bunter, selbstbestimmter und glücklicher. Es ist ein bisschen wie Magie!
4 Wochen - 4 Elemente online Kurs
Fernreiki Sommer Special

Taz Singh
Welcome. I am thrilled you followed your intuition and want to connect with your family and loved ones who will guide you through life's most complex and difficult matters.I'm a successful Medium and Life Coach with over 30 years of experience
Telephonic Consultation - Kindly call 084 578 8654 on the date and time of your appointment
Group Telephonic Consultation (Maximum 2 people) - Kindly call 084 578 8654 on the date and time of your appointment.
Face-To-Face Consultation : You will receive an access code to Eagle Canyon Estate in Honeydew JHB before your appointment

Tutoring lessons Spiritual services
グレンダと英語レッスンをしましょう! 英語レッスンについて 出来るレッスンスタイルは: 文法会話 ビジネス 仕事関係 その他(翻訳など)レッスンは全体英語で進みます。日本語を使えません。もし分からないところはあれば、まず簡単に英語で説明します。 でもそのあともしまだ分からないので、もしよければ、その時だけ日本語の説明はできます。 値段について: 1 x 1時間 = ¥20003 x 1時間 = ¥5000キャンセルの場合は2時間前教えてください!もしきちんとにキャンセルをしなくて私は一緒に