Spiritual services


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Spiritual services

Hello! Welcome to Sophisticated Bruja! Here, you can book your readings with me, allowing you to choose from 1 question to the option of having a full in-depth reading! I tap into your energy, allowing me to properly read your situation, the energy s

1 question


Jessyka Crystal

Spiritual services

Medium de naissance, cartomancienne, guérisseuse. Je travaille avec le Christ, la Vierge Marie, les Anges & Archanges, les Maîtres ascensionnés, les Saints, et autres Divinités de cultures diverses.******* GUIDANCE / VOYANCE *******Je propose des con

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Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II

Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - Place Jean-Paul II Show on map

Consultation 30 min

60,00 €

Queen Tiyi El

Interview scheduling Spiritual services Counselling/Consulting

Thank you for visiting my booking website. Please review my list of services, choose what you want, follow the prompts, complete form and transactions thoroughly and I will contact you in a timely manner. I truly appreciate your love and support!

Free Initial Consultation


Satva Ciudad de México

Spiritual services

Descubre Satva: Equilibrio, Liberación y BienestarEn Satva, te invitamos a explorar un camino único de sanación y autoconocimiento a través de experiencias transformadoras. Ofrecemos sesiones especializadas en:✨ Barras de Access – Libera bloqueos men

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Ciudad de México, Mariano Escobedo 353B - Int 2A, Polanco

Ciudad de México, Mariano Escobedo 353B - Int 2A, Polanco Show on map

Barras de Access


Return of The Goddess

Spiritual services

The Return of the Goddess offers many spiritual services including Ancestral Divination, Oracle Readings, and Reiki\ Sound Healing Sessions.

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Columbia, 3830 West Beltline Blvd

Columbia, 3830 West Beltline Blvd Show on map

Ancestral Divination

1h 30m

Лера Хижная-Эспаво

Spiritual services Counselling/Consulting

Эспаво вам! 🤗Я - Лера Хижная - Клинический психолог, коуч Эриксоновского Университета, эксперт по работе с подсознанием. В сессиях использую техники психологии, психотерапии и эзотерики. ТетаХилинг, Access, EMDR. Генные Ключи и Хроники Акаш

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Москва, Кремлёвская набережная

Москва, Кремлёвская набережная Show on map

Диагностическая сессия - разбор Вашего запроса, 1 час

8,000,00 ₽

Индивидуальная программа «Личная трансформация и исцеление. Работа с запросом» 3 сессии

1h 30m
35,000,00 ₽

Сессия-разбор для участников курса "Путь Мастера"


Séance Tachyon - Marie et Aria

Spiritual services

La chambre est composée d’une technologie spéciale de cristaux tachyonisés, de géométries sacrées et de métaux nobles. Celle-ci permet l’arrivée en grande concentration des tachyons dans les chambres. L’Energie tachyonique procure une reconnexion à s

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Nantes, Cours Franklin Roosevelt

Nantes, Cours Franklin Roosevelt Show on map

Séance Tachyon à distance - Adulte

33,00 €

Intensive 1 on 1 Personal Coaching




(5 card spread)


Pillai Center

Spiritual services

The Pillai Center for MindScience is an educational institution geared toward enhancing human intelligence and positively transforming every aspect of life. The Pillai Center is Dr. Pillai’s teaching vehicle that offers MindScience courses in four pr

Pillai Center
