Spiritual services


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La Casa degli Angeli di Alessia Mereu

Spiritual services

Benvenuto alla Casa degli Angeli!Sono Alessia Mereu, Life Coach e Terapista Angelica. Sono nata il 14 dicembre del 1977 a Torino e da anni mi dedico ad aiutare le persone ad entrare in contatto con gli Angeli e a trarre beneficio dalla loro pres

Consulenza Spirituale 5€ - 15 minuti

5,00 €

Consulenza Spirituale 10€ - 45 minuti

10,00 €

Trattamento di Angel Reiki a Distanza per Animali - 15 €

15,00 €

Tour De Jazz

Spiritual services

Tour De Jazz is a brand focusing on Travel Self Love & Spirituality. We offer 1:1 Coaching services for Self Love & personal breakthroughs and also a variety of holistic energy services. Jazz is a certified Reiki Master, Self Love Coach, NLP

Reiki Energy Healing Session via distance


Intuitive Tarot Reading


Birth Chart Readings With Clarissa K

Spiritual services

Psychological Astrology gives an opportunity to explore who you are from a psychospiritual point of view. A birth chart reading offers an alternative solution to the questions you have about yourself. Giving you an insight into your inner self an

1:1 Wellness Chat


20-Minute Tarot Reading Video



Counselling/Consulting Spiritual services Dancing classes Coaching Educational events

Individual, Couple and Family Appointments - Counselling, EFT (Tapping),  Ancestral Healing & Trauma Clearing,  Systemic Constellations & moreCourses &  Workshops  - Constellations, Self-care, EFT (Tapping) & morePractitioners - Professionals, Studen

Energetics Healing Group


Ancestral Healing



Spiritual services

發心弘揚地藏法門 以占察木輪世出世間各種人生疑難問題 同時結合各種實用的諮商方法給您人生最佳解台北大願佛苑    台北市中山北路一段2號5樓5B之2台北大願佛苑 與您一同護持地藏法門台北市中山北路一段2號5樓5B之2https://www.dayuan189.org/用 Line 與佛苑聯絡:https://lin.ee/5tntVsn

Location icon

台北市, 中正區中山北路一段2號5樓5B之2

台北市, 中正區中山北路一段2號5樓5B之2 Show on map

地藏占察木輪服務 (初次占察者也可以預約)


The Centre for Care and Wellbeing

City councils Spiritual services Psychologist Fitness Events (regular and recurring)

The Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (SMCT) is a community based, not-for-profit organisation, committed to serving the needs of our communities.

Location icon

Springvale, Springvale Botanical Cemetery,, Third Drive,

Springvale, Springvale Botanical Cemetery,, Third Drive, Show on map



LeeLoo's Esotericorner

Spiritual services

Psychic, Clairvoyant, Remote Viewer, Empath, Diviner, Tarot and Lenormand reader, Astrologer, Dream Analyst, Relationship CoachVisit shop!

Psychic chat or phone 15 min

45,00 €

Astrology chat/audio session 30 min

90,00 €

Dream and symbol analysis 15 min

45,00 €

Paradise Found

Spiritual services

Each of our readers brings their special energy, skill, and knowledge to their readings. Astrology, tarot, or intuitive readings are reflective of the wisdom traditions that address the human experience and humankind’s relationship to change and tran

Location icon

Santa Barbara, 15 East Anapamu Street

Santa Barbara, 15 East Anapamu Street Show on map

15 Minutes - 35.00


30 Minutes - 60.00


60 Minutes - 120.00


Cosmic Vibe Tarot

Spiritual services

Hello, beautiful souls! I'm an intuitive tarot reader that offers guidance by way of the divine and I'm excited to help you find the answers you're looking for. Check out some FAQs below:1. Do you predict the future or have any known psychic abi

15-Minute Reading (Pre-Recorded Video)


30-Minute Reading (Pre-Recorded Video)


1-Hour Reading (Pre-Recorded Video)


Inner-Touch Healing

Spiritual services

Inner-Touch Healing... Sanación a través de tener un encuentro con tu Ser Interior...

Location icon

San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Descartes 107, Residencial Chipinque 2o Sector

San Pedro Garza García, N.L., Descartes 107, Residencial Chipinque 2o Sector Show on map

Sesión de Sanación A Distancia en Video_Llamada por Whatsapp
