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This women’s treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing a benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility. Yoni steaming is said to support one’s natural feminine cycle (supporting releasing of dark blood at the beginning or end of menstrual cycle), and help you to heal (it is said to help with endometriosis, pelvic pain, uterine prolapse, constipation and PCOS), relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally.

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Top services

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Vaginal Steam, Mild steam 10 min steam

10 min

This women’s treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility. Yoni steaming is said to support one’s natural feminine cycle (supporting releasi

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Advanced steam

20 min

20 minute steam based off your screening.This women’s treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman’s center, providing benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility. Yoni steaming is said to support one’s n

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Yoni Herbal Soak $10.00

5 min

Purchase your yoni herbal soak blend.Pour my blend into your hot bath water for complete relaxation and calmness throughout the body. After you bath you skin will feel softer and lighter.This blend also helps tone and strengthen the vagina.ETA 1 busi

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Cleanse Me Baby $20.00

5 min

This is a cleansing herb formula.This formula is for women with a strong cycle, on the Birth Control Pill.Stagnation, Absent periods, Brown blood2 steams

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Spotless Clean $20.00

5 min

Disinfectant herbs. These herbs are for women who are having irregular discharge, bacterial infections, yeast and BV! 

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Fertility Boost $23.50

5 min

For women who are trying to get get pregnant

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Be Gentle To Me $20.00

5 min

Try our gentle HerbsThese gentle herbs are for women with short cycles 27 days or less. Uterine fatigue, bleeding in between periods and spontaneous bleeding. Also for women who are sensitive and young ladies 16 and older. 

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Cool me down

5 min

Cooling HerbsFor women who have night sweats, hot flashes and vaginal dryness. These herbs are made for people who have excessive body heat. 


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