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Scented Wedding & Events 婚禮活動香味服務

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    09:00 - 18:00

  • الإثنين

    09:00 - 18:00

  • الثلاثاء

    09:00 - 18:00

  • الأربعاء

    09:00 - 18:00

  • الخميس

    09:00 - 18:00

  • الجمعة

    09:00 - 18:00

  • السبت

    09:00 - 18:00

About the company

Scented Wedding & Events 是香港數一數二的婚禮及活動香味專家。我們提供全香港性價比最高的擴香租賃服務,日租$500 起,適合婚禮,各類活動聚會,party等,不用花大錢搵調香師或買大量鮮花蠟燭都可以瞬間令氣氛升溫!所有精油都是專業團隊以植物精油調配,不含對人體有害化學品。預約過程全網上自動,價格透明,方便快捷。Scented Wedding & Events is Hong Kong's foremost Wedding and Events Scent Specialist. We offer state-of-the-art scent rental in Hong Kong at the lowest daily rate of HKD$500 per machine inclusive of scent. We cater to individual customers and our curated scents are suitable for all sorts of events, parties and weddings. Instead of spending big bucks on 'bespoke' perfuming services or buying huge lots of flowers and candles that go to waste, we help you create the same atmosphere at a much lower cost and environmentally friendly way. 

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FG Scents

Top services

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日本森林浴 Japanese Forest Bath

60 دقيقة

以奈良產的日本檜木(Hinoki)、葡萄紅柚子為主調,像置身於日本高野山參拜之路的一大片檜木林中。檜木本身帶點柑橘味道,配上柚子香氣,帶出春天萬物的生機勃勃。基調混合麝香黃葵、濱海松、像苔、古巴香脂、廣藿香,令鬆軟的泥土、晨初的霧珠、茂盛的枝葉、石頭上的苔蘚、動物的氣息立體地顯在眼前,構成一幅靜寂、神秘但有充滿生氣的森林景象。最後留香為安息香,讓餘香帶有一點點甜意。 This scent resembles a person’s reflective meditation journey in

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60 دقيقة

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博德利圖書館 Bodleian Library

60 دقيقة

如果你喜歡進入舊書店或圖書館的氣味,就像被漸漸發黃的紙張包圍,這是一個屬於你的獨特書香味,沒有任何娘娘腔的花香果香, 反而是沈穩型的松香,巖蘭草,配上黃葵籽的植物麝香,只有隨著時間推移的懷舊味道,猶如微風把書頁輕輕掃在肌膚上的感覺。成為學霸或文化人,就要先沾點文化氣息。 If you like the scent of old books or library and like the feeling of being surrounded by parchm

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60 دقيقة

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白茶與白蓮 White Tea & White Lotus

60 دقيقة

白茶與白蓮是一種非常舒服,居家的香味。味道有一種粉粉的甜味, 讓人想起剛洗好的棉衣服。白蓮有淡淡的清甜花香,清新柔軟,讓人心情平緩,像躺在荷塘邊午睡。 White tea and white lotus is a cosy and homey scent. It reminds of fresh laundry or cotton sheets. White lotus has a slight floral and sweet scent, and the c

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橙花沉香 French Neroli

60 دقيقة

這是一種一聞下去便會很放松的氣味,禪意的沈香和橙花的混合,帶出佛寺,木檀的味道。也讓人想起那次去泰國按摩的舒泰。橙花來自苦橙樹,氣味純凈高雅,能舒緩焦慮及緊張心情,紓解壓力,氣味持久。推介使用於冥想時間或瑜伽。 Relax and imagine being in a spa in Thailand with this scent. With a mix of oud, frankincense and neroli, this scent is exotic

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薰衣草與薄荷葉 Lavender & Peppermint

60 دقيقة

這款香味是保加利亞薰衣草加上薄荷,薰衣草的功能係鎮靜安眠、能安定情緒,減輕憤怒和筋疲力竭的感覺,使人可以心平氣和地面對生活。而薄荷既作用就是平衡薰衣草既安眠效果,令人放鬆之餘不要昏昏欲睡,保持一個平穩的心情,讓心靈得到自由的空間。 This scent is a relaxing scent of the Bulgarian Lavender with main accord. Lavender lets one feel calmed, reduces stress and aids sle

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安睡寶寶 Heaven of Dreams

60 دقيقة

這款香氣帶有較強草本香味,以及微微的依蘭依蘭花香,能讓你安定情緒,放松心情, 忘記一整天的壓力與煩惱。前調有佛手柑,薰衣草,中調為依蘭依蘭與含有能緩解緊張的廣藿香。 適合患有失眠問題的人士,讓你能有一晚好眠。 This scent has a herbal tone to it from Patchouli, with a slightly floral note o

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春分花蜜 Honey Blossoms

60 دقيقة

以矜貴的摩洛哥小花茉莉為前調,散發出高級香水的清幽茉莉花香,猶如喝著一口英式茉莉花茶般。中調散發出康乃馨的溫柔果香及花蜜的清甜氣味,像置身於春天的康乃馨園裡,充滿生氣。後調帶有雲尼拿以及乳香的木香味,令甜味得到平衡。總體而言,香味清幽高貴而不會過分甜膩。 An elegant scent, not overly sweet, that captures the gracefulness of Jasmine with the honey-like scent of carnations with

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晚香奏鳴曲 Moonlight Sonata

60 دقيقة

一個月黑風高的夜晚,你獨自闖入一片森林,與你的秘密情人幽會。某處散發出誘人的晚香玉香氣,讓你春心蕩漾。你倆並肩漫步森林,偷偷享受這片刻的安寧,茂密樹林的葉縫間透進來的月光,隱約看到情人的精致五官。以晚香玉為主調,奶香花香較重,配合法國橙花,讓人想起風情萬種的女士。基調為乳香與巖蘭草,帶有樹林的氣息。 A midnight walk deep in the forest with your lover. This scent is a mixture of tuberose accord wit

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京都水仙 Kyoto Narcissus

60 دقيقة

水仙花的清香讓人著迷,不過太濃烈的話卻讓人不好受。 這一棵水仙,埋藏在金閣寺的木隙間, 日月推移讓乳木的味道滲進水仙中, 木質和幽香碰撞成更和諧、更高層次的味道, 配上甜橙和佛手柑的清爽,畫龍點睛,恰到好處,更添上一陣幽幽的禪意。 A zen-like floral scent. Narcissus flower growing through wood slits of the Kyoto temple. A floral fragrance with hint of narcissu

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白蘭姑娘 Lady White Jade

60 دقيقة

具有鮮幽花香、清香帶甜,多韻而優雅。白蘭香氣的花語是「不忘初心,永懷一人一生中最純凈的夢想」,對應於白玉蘭美好的形象。白蘭花清雅純凈的氣味,猶如愛人溫柔的懷抱,有一種安全感。100% 成分天然,精油取自新鮮白蘭花,沒有任何有害的加工物或礦物油。味道貼近鮮花香,讓人回味無窮。 A Hong Kong bred species, our White Jade Orchid scent resembles closely that of the flower's scent. It symboli

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柚子馬鞭草 Yuzu Verbena

60 دقيقة

喜歡清新味道的你一定不能錯過這個香味。結合紅柚子與馬鞭草,特別清新怡人。 馬鞭草為一種歷史悠久的草藥,自古便有「魔法草」的俗稱,因為它像檸檬般的清新香味,有助恢復身心的活力。它比檸檬橘子的香味要復雜,不會讓人聯想起清潔劑,帶上一種草本的香味,後調還有乳香及松香,讓人心情舒暢。 This scent is a fresh yuzu verbena fragrance, sweet and citrusy. The scent is invigorating and uplifting, helps

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香茅記憶 Saigon Memories

60 دقيقة

這款香氣混合香茅,迷迭香與薰衣草而成,氣味草本清香。香茅這一種充滿東洋氣息的植物,讓人想起那次越南峴港的旅程,那些被香茅眷顧的空氣,墻壁的泥黃色,戴著草帽的人兒,悠閒的心情遇上熱鬧的街道,就是你獨一無二的香茅記憶。 With Lemongrass, rosemary and lavendar, this scent is representative of exotic Southeast Asia flavours. Lemongrass, a herb full of oriental fl

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伯爵柑橘 Simply Citrus

60 دقيقة

這個絕對是橘子控的至愛。超級清新,像在炎炎夏日喝下一杯橘子汁般。佛手柑香調更令人聯想起伯爵茶,配合粉紅柚子及甜橙,酸酸甜甜的味道,讓人頓時心情舒暢。具備消滯作用。 This is for the super citrus lover! Super fresh with Bergamot, Lime, Grapefruit and Orange. The bergamot notes give it a more classical touch reminiscent of Earl Grey.

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檸檬尤加利 Lemon Eucalyptus

60 دقيقة

尤加利葉及檸檬的氣味非常清新, 有提神之效,能消除疲勞。凈化空氣、殺菌、抗蟎的作用, 提神醒腦,集中註意力,提高工作效率。適合辦公室內使用,增加活力。 The combination of eucalpytus and lemon is surely a scent that is refreshing and increases your energy. Eucalyptus has purifying properties, sterilizing and resisting mites.

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炭燒棉花糖 Toasted Marshmallow

60 دقيقة

這個是一個讓人垂涎三尺的氣味。濃厚的棉花糖的雲尼拿味,加上小許蜜糖的清甜,然後配上少許炭烤的味道,讓人聯想起在海灘上BBQ的情景。 This scent is an authentic toasted marshmallow with a sweet tone. Strong hint of vanilla and subtle honey, mixed with zarda and frankincense to produce

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熱帶奶昔 Tropical Milkshake

60 دقيقة

這個香味是活潑可人的少女香,配上甜橙,柚子,青檸,加上來自晚香玉的奶香,這氣味像極了水果(木瓜)奶昔,甜甜的讓你心情頓時開朗。 This scent is like a tropical milkshake with tones of sweet orange, grapefruit and lime. With the milky undertone of tuberose, the scent reminds of a tropical papaya milkshake, sweet and

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茉莉山丘 Jasmine Hills

60 دقيقة

茉莉花香淡雅,可以放松緊張的心情,陶冶情操。茉莉花的香氣是花香中最復雜的,其中包含有動物香、青香、藥香、果香等。此香氣源自中國小花茉莉,精油產量極少因而十分昂貴,其具有高雅氣味讓場景更為高級。香味可舒緩郁悶情緒、振奮精神、提升自信心。 This scent originates from Chinese Jasmine, carrying the signature elegant scent that reminds of jasmine tea. Jasmine is a complicat

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單買香薰油 (不含機)Aroma Oil only (no Machine)

60 دقيقة

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白茶與水蜜桃 White Tea and Peach

60 دقيقة

如果你喜歡桃香,這個香味必定是你夢想中的香氣。桃味非常逼真,是熟透了的白桃甜甜的香氣,持續散發出甜蜜的氣味,彌漫在空氣中,讓人的心情特別愉悅。配合溫和的白茶香味,增添平和與溫暖的感覺,讓整體氣味更親切。If you like the scent of peaches, this one is the scent of your dreams. Super peachy, with a scent that reminds of ripened and juicy peaches. Sweet a

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綠意盎然 Fougère

60 دقيقة

這個香氣是清新綠葉的味道,讓人聯想起漫步在山丘青草地上的情景。青草上的石頭鋪滿青苔,小花在隙縫中緩緩生長出來,讓人感到生命的氣息。This scent is a fresh, green scent that reminds of grasses and ferns. An image of grassy mountainside with rocks that are lined with mosses. Gives off a clean and energetic feeling.


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