First Spiritualist Church of Galt
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Rev. Kerman Dem. of Mediumship
NON-CHURCH MEMBERS Rev. Kerman - Let's Play with Toys
CHURCH MEMBERS - Rev. Kerman-Let's Play with Some Toys - Sat. Nov. 18, 2023
VIRTUAL - Let's Play with Toys Rev. Kerman
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Rev. Kerman Dem. of Mediumship
120 دقيقة
Rev. Tammarishka Kerman Demonstration of Mediumship - Saturday Matinee on November 4th, 2023 is an exclusive and enlightening service offered by our church. Join us for a captivating event where Rev. Tammarishka Kerman will showcase her remarkable me
Church Members-Let's Play with Some Toys -Rev. Kerman Sat. Nov. 18/23
480 دقيقة
Tools such as: Crystal/solid balls, Pendulums, Photos, Writing, Intuitive tarot, Scribbling, Colours, Water/fluid scrying, Psychometry, Crayons/Pens/Pencils, and plasticine.NOTE: Registration cut-off Wed. Nov. 15/23
VIRTUAL-Let's Play with Some Toys- Rev. Kerman --Sat. Nov.18/23
480 دقيقة
Tools such as: Crystal/solid balls, Pendulums, Photos, Writing, Intuitive tarot, Scribbling, Colours, Water/fluid scrying, Psychometry, Crayons/Pens/Pencils, and plasticine.NOTE: Registration cut-off Wed. Nov. 15/23
Non-Church Members-Let's Play with Some Toys-Sat. Nov.18/23*Rev. Kerman -
480 دقيقة
Tools such as: Crystal/solid balls, Pendulums, Photos, Writing, Intuitive tarot, Scribbling, Colours, Water/fluid scrying, Psychometry, Crayons/Pens/Pencils, and plasticine.NOTE: Registration cut-off Wed. Nov. 15/23
5 reviews