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Sobre a empresa

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is going to be, Perhaps you should set up your life so you don’t have to escape (Seth Godin)Sometimes it feels like we are on the hamster wheel of life.... I know the pain you feel... Crushing fatigue that you can't push through no matter how positive your mindset...Pain shooting through your body, as your adrenals pump out Adrenalin in an attempt to keep you going...The shame that kicks in when you let yourself and others down...The embarrassment when you receive confused and doubting looks from loved ones when you try to explain "it's not all in your head"...And the frustration of knowing you can do and create more, but not knowing where to start…The desire to just run away and hide…Life can be so hard and if you don’t take charge you will find yourself looking back and wondering where the time went and why things didn’t work out differently.The thing is, time continues to pass and if we don’t dictate what we want and go for it, our life is forfeit to chance and the desires of everyone else around us.The good news is that with the right steps, at the right times, you can create a life you are excited to live.... Change IS possible! AND you can do it without creating massive upheaval and stress within your day to day life.My passion and joy in life is in helping others to truly learn about and understand themselves and to support them in achieving their goals - no matter what they are. I combine my education, knowledge and experience from Registered Nursing, Hypnotherapy, Coaching and life to help you create & execute a plan that will take you in the direction you want to go. More than my education and experience though is my innate ability as a HSP to see and identify connections, possibilities and solutions that others often miss.During your appointments we will focus on changes that encompass all areas of your life (when the time is right) including diet, personal development, emotions and thought processes, personality, natural support, career or business and general lifestyle. Once we have a plan in place, you may find you can go it alone, or if needed you can book appointments to help with motivation, mindset and adjustments.Know Yourself to Improve Yourself...You may be surprised to hear me say that I might not be the right coach for you! I have a unique skill set that is ideal for women at a stage in life where they are willing to dig deep into who they are, why they function and react like they do and who above all else are willing to LEARN to take self responsibility and be challenged on a personal level. (I say ‘learn’ because this can be a process that takes time)With this open and willing mindset we can work together to create purpose driven goals and actualise change that is going to create long lasting effects.Interestingly, the problem I hear most verbalised is NOT how to reach a goal but the step before working towards that goal. That is, most women don’t even know what makes them happy and what they truly want out of life. This is where we will start the process of creating your purpose driven life.Once we have that part nailed (or if it is already clear in your mind) we will start creating your life map of what works and what doesn’t work for you (this is a lifetime pursuit and not something that is ever ‘done’).Throughout this process you will be making changes in your external reality to support and aid your inner transformation.If any of the following sound like you, Purpose Coaching is the answer you are looking for:Lack of directionNot happy with day to day lifeFatiguedUnmotivatedGenerally unwellBrain foggedUnbalancedStressedOverwhelmedToo busyUnable to create changeUnable to reach goalsNo idea what to do with lifeUnsatisfiedDisconnectedHow often will I need to make appointments?Everyone is unique in the amount of support they require but most people find either fortnightly or monthly appointments to be the best balance. Some people find they need more regular appointments and others less. It is not the frequency of appointments that matters the most, but instead your long term commitment to the process.I highly recommend committing yourself to a minimum of 6 months before judging if this is right for you.Ready to get started?When you book and pay for your online coaching session I will email you a questionnaire and more information. Please take your time filling this in and return to me at least 48 hours prior to your appointment. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 

Nossa equipe

Michelle Marsh

Top services

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Coaching Single Appointment - Limited Offer Introductory Special

60 min

Instead of wondering when your next vacation is going to be, perhaps you should set up your life so you don’t have to escape (Seth Godin) Sometimes it feels like we are on the hamster wheel of life.... I know the pain you feel... Crushing fatigue t

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Special Offer for Purpose Balance & Burnout Group Members Only

60 min

I have a special package I am offering to this group only and there are only THREE available. For $280 you will receive 5 coaching sessions with myself. My usual rate is $130 per session, so your savings are massive ($370 to be exact).


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