Horário de abertura

  • Domingo

    12:00 - 17:00

  • Segunda-feira

    14:00 - 17:00

  • Terça-feira

    13:00 - 17:00

  • Quarta-feira

    Dia de folga

  • Quinta-feira

    13:00 - 22:00

  • Sexta-feira

    12:00 - 18:00

  • Sábado

    12:00 - 18:00

Sobre a empresa

The purpose of a publishing house is much more than publishing and selling books. It’s putting the right sentences into the right hands. Sentences can challenge you, heal you, and in a way change your life.

Nossa equipe

Xiaoyan (Thursday)

Jiaoyang and Ivy(Tuesday)

Huiran (Friday)

Chey and Star (Saturday)

Q 12 and Kexun(Thursday)

Sunday (Qiyuan Xiao)

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Imagem do serviço

In-person Bookstore Gallery/Publishing studio Visit 拜访线下书店/画廊/出版工作室

90 min

谢谢你发现我们。和街边的商业书店有点不同,Accent Sisters更多关心的是书被卖出去之前的事情--比如怎样写一本书,怎样出版一本书?我们长期举办中英文线上线下写作工作坊,也为青年创作者和艺术家提供出版孵化和展览机会。欢迎来到线下空间与更多的创意人士相会。Welcome to our speakeasy bookstore gallery/publishing studio. A little different from any other storefront commercial b


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