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College of General Studies Tutoring Services


  • 星期日

    下午4:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期一

    上午8:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期二

    上午8:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期三

    上午8:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期四

    上午8:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期五

    上午8:00 - 下午6:00

  • 星期六



Click here for a video tutorial on setting your account/password:

Tutoring Services at the UW Colleges provides free peer and professional tutoring to all enrolled students. We offer one on one, small group, and walk-in tutoring.

To book an appointment, click the green BOOK NOW button above to get started. 

Select your home campusSelect an area of tutoring (math, writing, ect...)Select "one on one tutoring" or the study group you would like to joinSelect a tutor (or select SOONEST AVAILABLE) Select an open (blue) time slot (appointments are half an hour)Log In (If you need to be reminded of your password, use your student email)Complete the appointment informationClick the green BOOK NOW button to finalize your schedule
For more information about tutoring in each area or tutor, please click on the green square:


Abigail Julius

Joseph Kilroy

BIO 285 Study Group

BIO 101 Study Group

ANT 105 Study Group

ANT 100 Study Group

BUS 201 Study Group

CHE 155 Study Group

Sara Pagliaroni

Jordan Cuneo

Xiola Schneiderman

Sydney Vinyard



One on One Math Tutoring

30 分鐘

Want more time with a tutor than Walk In Tutoring offers? One on One Math Tutoring gives you a full half hour of dedicated, individualized tutoring.

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Writing Center Peer Tutoring

30 分鐘

Work with a trained peer (student) tutor on your writing. See individual bios for more information about each tutor.

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Professional Writing Coaching

30 分鐘

Work with Sara Pagliaroni, Coordinator of the Writing Center and the Online Writing Lab, on your writing assignments.


Skype Writing Appointment

30 分鐘

Meet with a Writing Center peer tutor live using Skype. These appointments are very much like face–to–face appointments in the ASC. You will be able to read through your paper and discuss ideas in real time. You should have, minimally, a speaker and

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Psychology Tutoring

60 分鐘


Physics Tutoring

30 分鐘

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Sociology Tutoring

30 分鐘


Spanish Tutoring

30 分鐘


BIO 285 Study Group

60 分鐘

The BIO 285 Study Group is a tutor-led study group for students enrolled in any section of BIO 286 . It meets weekly in the Anatomy Lab. Study Groups are capped at 7 students to ensure that you are given individual attention and the support you


CHE 155 Study Group

60 分鐘

The CHE 155 Study Group is a tutor-led study group for students enrolled in any section of  either CHE 155. It meets weekly in the group study room in the Academic Success Center. Study Groups are capped at 7 students to ensure that you are give


ANT 100 Study Group

60 分鐘

The ANT 100/ANT 105 study group is a tutor-led study group for students enrolled in any section of  ANT 100. It meets in the Academic Success Center. Study Groups are capped at 7 students to ensure that you are given individual attention an


ANT 105 Study Group

60 分鐘

The ANT 100/ANT 105 study group is a tutor-led study group for students enrolled in any section of  ANT 100. It meets in the Academic Success Center. Study Groups are capped at 7 students to ensure that you are given individual attention an


BUS 201 Study Group

60 分鐘

The BUS 201 Study Group is a volunteer-led study group for students enrolled in BUS 201. It meets in the group study room in the ASC and is coordinated through Dr. Duffy. Please check your class announcements or with her to confirm dates and times.&n


BIO 101 Study Group

60 分鐘

The BIO 101 Study Group is a tutor-led study group for students enrolled in any section of  BIO 101. It meets weekly in the study group room in the ASC. Study Groups are capped at 7 students to ensure that you are given individual attention and


7 客戶評論
