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Dr Luca Piombino - Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery


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  • 星期一

    上午9:00 - 下午8:00

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    上午9:00 - 下午8:00

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    上午9:00 - 下午8:00

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    上午9:00 - 下午8:00

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    上午9:00 - 下午8:00

  • 星期六

    上午9:00 - 下午8:00


Dr. Luca Piombino, a specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, lives and works in Rome and several other Italian cities. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli and then obtained a specialization in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery at the l’Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. He completed his training in the USA where he interned as a Research Associate for the treatment of "Body contouring" in the Post-Bariatric patient at the Department of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. He worked in Rome at the Children's Hospital Bambino Gesu focusing on pediatric plastic surgery. Today, Dr. Piombino is focusing exclusively on aesthetic surgery achieving outstanding results and becoming an expert in breast and facial surgery, working as a consultant in many international cities like Den Haag (Netherlands) and Kuwait City, while also developing a research program in partnership with colleagues from the USA and Europe.  He has participated in various international humanitarian surgical missions in which he has performed many plastic surgery interventions, primarily for congenital malformations and burn outcomes. He is the author of scientific publications, a speaker at national and international congress presentations and a cultist of the latest laser technologies applicable in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. As of today, Dr. Piombino has performed thousands of procedures in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.


Dr Luca Piombino - Corso Buenos Aires 77 - Milano

Dr Luca Piombino - Via del Fiume 8 - Roma

Dr Luca Piombino - Sempiù Ripar - Via Ricciardi 8 - Caserta

Dr Luca Piombino - Via Di Priscilla 35/2 - Roma



Visita Specialistica Prepagata

30 分鐘

La visita specialistica con il Dr. Luca Piombino ha un costo di 150 euro. Tuttavia, prenotandola online e pagandola anticipatamente, il prezzo si riduce a 92 euro, importo che potrai saldare immediatamente tramite carta di credito. Se preferisci pren


Terapie Iniettive / Fillers

30 分鐘

Terapie Iniettive / Fillers: Offriamo una terapia iniettiva personalizzata con l'utilizzo di filler a base di acido ialuronico o idrossiapatite di calcio. Questi trattamenti aiutano a migliorare l'aspetto della pelle, ridurre le rughe, rimpolpare le


Tossina Botulinica

15 分鐘

Infiltrazione con Tossina Botulinica. In fase di prenotazione specificare le aree da trattare. 



60 分鐘

Morpheus8 è un trattamento minimamente invasivo che incorpora mirconeedling con radiofrequenza RF per il rassodamento del viso e del corpo. 


Controllo post-chirurgico

15 分鐘



15 分鐘


7 客戶評論
