
  • 星期日

    上午9:30 - 下午12:00

  • 星期一

    上午9:30 - 上午10:30

  • 星期二


  • 星期三

    上午9:30 - 上午10:30

  • 星期四


  • 星期五


  • 星期六

    上午9:30 - 上午10:30


YOGA nourishes your mind, body, and soul. The continued practise of yoga leads you to a sense of peace and wellbeing, and a feeling of being connected to your true self and to others. It relieves stress and anxiety, as well as improving flexibility, balance, strength, and overall wellness.42 Yoga OUTSIDEBegins 11 January 2021Until Easter


Suze Male (Sunday Flow)

Suze Male (Weekday)

Suze Male (Yin)



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Yin Yoga Class Monday 9.30am-10.30am

60 分鐘

Yin yoga is a very slow, quiet contemplative practice that works deeply into our body with longer held poses (Mostly floor-based poses held for 3-5 minutes, using lots of yoga props). It targets our deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues

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Gentle Hatha Yoga Wednesday 9.30am - 10.30am

60 分鐘

A gentle yoga class. This class will move slowly, focussing on yoga poses and breathing technique. It will be adapted to those who attend. Suitable for all levels and especially beginners. Casual class $15. $10 concession and seniors

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Flow Yoga Class With Natalie Saturday morning 9.30am - 10.30am

60 分鐘

Get some yoga in your Saturday morning with the lovely Natalie. A flowing, breath-focussed yoga class.

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Yoga Flow Class Sunday 9.30am - 10.30am

60 分鐘

With focus on mindfulness and breathing, this class flows slowly through sun salutations and yoga poses, creating strength, balance, flexibility and calm. Suitable for all levels. Casual class $15, concession $10

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Yin Yoga Class Sunday 11.00am - 12.00pm

60 分鐘

Yin yoga is a very slow, quiet contemplative practice that works deeply into our body with longer held poses (Mostly floor-based poses held for 3-5 minutes, using lots of yoga props). It targets our deepest tissues of the body, our connective tissues


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