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Little Artducated

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    10:00 - 14:00

  • الإثنين

    يوم عطلة

  • الثلاثاء

    يوم عطلة

  • الأربعاء

    يوم عطلة

  • الخميس

    يوم عطلة

  • الجمعة

    يوم عطلة

  • السبت

    10:00 - 14:00

About the company

Welcome to Little Artducated! A cosy, fun art studio where all the magic happens! Little Artducated offers Art Jamming Sessions for workshops, events and parties. Our sessions allow children to explore with a variety of mediums such as, acrylic, watercolour, clay, ink and many more! We use unique approaches to motivate and guide children through the Big Creative Processes, while allowing them to express themselves in simple and small ways!So, come and discover yourself!

Our team

Little Artducated (Little Artist)

Little Artducated (Little Junior)

Little Artducated (Camp)

Little Artducated (Art Camp 2)

Little Artducated (Art Camp 3)

Little Artducated (Art Camp 4)

Top services

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Little Art Jam (5 sessions)

90 دقيقة

Little Artist Art Programme is a drop-off art sessions, that is designed especially for children 3 years old to 10 yrs old. This programme allows children to enjoy creative adventures as they spark their natural curiosity and develop their own journ

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Little Art Jam (10 sessions)

90 دقيقة

Little Artist Art Programme is a drop-off art sessions, that is designed especially for children 3 years old to 10 years old. This programme allows children to enjoy creative adventures as they spark their natural cu

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Little Art Jam (MEMBERS ONLY)

90 دقيقة

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120 دقيقة

2 hours . 5 Children (Additional $45) . Theme Canvas Painting + Art Play Little Artducated Invitation Cards . Free Balloons

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120 دقيقة

2 hours . 2 Trainers . Up to 10 Children (Additional $40) Theme Canvas Painting + Art Play Little Artducated Invitation Cards . Free Balloons Special Gift for Birthday Child . Basic Theme Decorations Free Balloons and Class Vouchers . Set Up & Clean

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120 دقيقة

2 hours . 2 Trainers . Up to 10 Children (Additional $40) Theme Canvas Painting + Art Play Little Artducated Invitation Cards . Free Balloons Special Gift for Birthday Child . Basic Theme Decorations Free Artfolio and Class Vouchers . Customize Them

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Little Art Jam (Trial Class: One time only)

90 دقيقة

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Ad Hoc Little Art Jam (1 session only)

90 دقيقة

Couldn’t commit to our 5 or 10 sessions programme? Don’t worry, we got you covered! Join us for an ad hoc session! Just plan ahead and book for your favourite theme!


29 reviews

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    Shila Lala

    3/13/2023, 8:33:40 AM

    Happy children.. Happy Mummy

    I signed up for my son and his friend during the march holidays. I am very impressed with the whole program organised by Little aireducated. Very engaging and the presentation after the session really encourage the children to speak and portray their creativity. My children are looking forward already to the next holiday program.

  • Review user image


    10/31/2022, 5:27:05 AM

    Little Artist

    My daughter enjoys every art session. We can see the improvement in her art pieces. She loves to explore and play with colours . Thank you teacher Anna for guiding and spreading joy of art w the kids????

  • Review user image


    10/2/2020, 2:30:50 AM

    Art class review

    Rayyan look forward to every Saturday to attend the Art Class. He is much more confident to choose brighter colours for colouring now. His colouring technique improve and even his sch teacher feedback that he tends to be much more patient now.

  • Review user image


    10/2/2020, 2:30:35 AM

    Art class reviews

    Rayyan look forward to every Saturday to attend the Art Class. He is much more confident to choose brighter colours for colouring now. His colouring technique improve and even his sch teacher feedback that he tends to be much more patient now.

  • Review user image


    9/19/2020, 2:01:03 PM

    Nurshifa~mummy to Fawwaz Marican

    Fawwaz looks forward to attend his art class every week. Teacher Anna has been very patient with the kids. The session seems very engaging and fun. I'm very impressed! Looking forward to enrol my soon-to-be 3 year old next!

  • Review user image

    Naqiah Murshid

    1/28/2020, 12:43:33 AM

    Little Bubsy Programme

    The program is engaging, very hands on and perfect for the little bubs! A good time for the little ones to make friends too!

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    Mohamed rafi

    1/19/2020, 1:56:32 AM

    Thank you

    Thank you for sharing your gift of teaching the kids!!!!

  • Review user image

    Nursimah Mokhtar

    1/18/2020, 11:19:36 PM


    Teacher Ana is a dedicated teacher and brings so much joy and fun in her class. The weekly class is thematic and there are activities such as storytelling, sing a long session along with the art lesson. Hence it makes the lesson wholesome! Art activities are also not thosse typical art lessons where kids sit and colour a given book package. It allows students to experience multitude of art expression! Well done Arteducated!

  • Review user image

    Rafidah A Razak

    1/3/2020, 2:51:45 PM

    3yo loved her Little Artist session

    My 3yo attended her first Little Artist session today. She loved Anna's home studio and didn't want to leave. We look forward to the next sessions!

  • Review user image

    Nur Qifayah

    9/23/2019, 2:24:04 PM

    More please!

    Thanks to the entire team for a good art session with my daughter. I appreciate the various activities prepared to occupy the little ones when parents were finishing up our tasks. It was well-thought, enriching & fun. Wish the sessions could last even longer!

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