Opening hours

  • الأحد

    09:00 - 14:00

  • الإثنين

    يوم عطلة

  • الثلاثاء

    16:30 - 18:45

  • الأربعاء

    16:30 - 18:45

  • الخميس

    16:30 - 18:45

  • الجمعة

    16:30 - 18:45

  • السبت

    09:00 - 14:00

About the company

Our team

Aakash Basdeo

Top services

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Stress management counseling $350

40 دقيقة

The use of techniques, strategies, or programs specifically to reduce stress levels, prevent stress, or cope with situations or events that could lead to increased stress levels

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Anger management counseling $350

40 دقيقة

involves a range of skills that can help with recognizing the signs of anger and handling triggers in a positive way

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Personal development coaching $350

30 دقيقة

It involves, listening, questioning, guiding and leading - not advising or instructing. To be an authentic personal growth coach or life coach you need to be properly trained in those skills

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Child & Youth Counseling $250

30 دقيقة

offers young people a safe space to discuss and work through anything they may be struggling with

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Mediation $300

30 دقيقة

Mediation involves the intervention of a third person, or mediator, into a dispute to assist the parties in negotiating jointly acceptable resolution of issues in conflict.

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Digital Marketing Consulting & Services

60 دقيقة

Logos Social Media Marketing Booking/Web Pages

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Business Consulting & Services

60 دقيقة

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Online Counseling

60 دقيقة


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