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Opening hours

  • الأحد

    10:00 - 21:00

  • الإثنين

    17:30 - 00:00

  • الثلاثاء

    05:00 - 00:00

  • الأربعاء

    05:00 - 00:00

  • الخميس

    05:00 - 00:00

  • الجمعة

    05:00 - 00:00

  • السبت

    16:00 - 22:00

About the company

Add us to your skype: live:mark_32189As a master in guided meditation I support others to find their own path in life. Enhancing awareness of different perspectives of happiness and to give things a place to be able to move on. Healing takes time so enjoy it, love it and do it to maintain your vitality.Be patient not a patient.

Our team

Your personal meditation & healing guide

Your group meditation guide

Top services

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Free online consultation

30 دقيقة

New and curious?Enjoy some free time for questions and answers.Add to your skype:live:mark_32189

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Online personal guided meditation

60 دقيقة

As a master in guided meditation I support others to find their own path in life.Be patient not a patient. Add to your skype:live:mark_32189

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Online group meditation class

120 دقيقة

Enjoy a small group meditation online.Add to your skype:live:mark_32189

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Outdoor group meditation class

120 دقيقة

Enjoy an outdoor healing workshop in The Hague Netherlands and surroundings. With nice weather only :)Maximum of 15 participants.

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Indoor personal healing session

60 دقيقة

Enjoy an indoor private healing session customized to your needs. Relax with a tantric massage combined with music and powerful storytelling. Or just silence and deep dance experience. The choice is yours. The Hague area only.

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Guided meditation for Simbi friends

60 دقيقة

Guided meditation for Simbi friends


4 reviews

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  • Review user image

    Sami Jeffers

    3/21/2017, 6:14:07 AM

    Layers Being Lifted

    The more sessions I have, the more I notice the layers of pain being lifted. My heart feels raw, but I know it is all part of the healing process. It's just like when an infection is cleaned from a deep wound, it is very painful, yet only then can healing truly take place. Marcus, you are a true blessing! Thank you so much.

  • Review user image

    Patricia Oostendarp

    3/14/2017, 4:04:39 PM


    Eerste ontspanning en healingsessie Ik had sinds een aantal dagen veel pijn waardoor ik me niet meer goed kon bewegen. Ik heb fibromyalgie en CRPS, leef daarom continu met pijn. Ik heb een bericht gestuurd dat ik een sessie nodig had. Gelukkig kon hij om 20 uur. De kinderen liggen dan op bed. Na een gesprek over de stand van zaken moest ik me ontspannen en alleen maar luisteren naar zijn stem. Ik merkte hoe meer ik me ontspande hoe minder de pijn werd. Heerlijk is dat. Na de chakra's benoemd te hebben en het helder licht door mijn lijf is gegaan voelde ik me een stuk beter en kon ik weer mezelf motiveren. Hartstikke bedankt!

  • Review user image

    Sami Jeffers

    3/6/2017, 11:28:22 PM

    Smoking Cessation

    Today's session was very important for me in that Marcus hypnotized me to stop wanting to smoke. He knew exactly why I smoke, as an emotional crutch, and zoned in on that feeling, and during the hypnosis told me that I will feel stronger when I don't smoke. His kind soothing voice resonates through me and I am completely relaxed during the session. After the session, I feel very peaceful and calm within. I look forward to a more healthy me:) Thank you so much for dedicating your time and energy to help me. God bless you Marcus.

  • Review user image

    Sami Jeffers

    3/5/2017, 1:08:07 AM

    Amazing Healing through Guided Meditation and Hypnosis

    I have had only a few sessions and already see an improvement in myself. Marcus truly has a gift. He is professional, kind, caring and really listens. He is helping people out of true altruism and humanitarianism. I am honored and blessed to be having this amazing healing experience. Thank you so much.

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