CoBE Tech
Opening hours
يوم عطلة
07:45 - 19:00
07:45 - 19:00
07:45 - 19:00
07:45 - 19:00
07:45 - 16:00
يوم عطلة
About the company
Welcome to the CoBE Tech appointment page. From this site you will be able to book an appointment from with our techs, recording time in our studio, or time in one of our student project rooms around your schedule. To begin, click on "Book Now" to the left.Our team

CoBE Media Studio - HH 3001D

Laptop Cart A

Laptop Cart B

Laptop Cart C

Laptop Cart D

Laptop Cart E

Laptop Cart F
Top services

60 Minute Recording
60 دقيقة
Schedule a 60 minute (1 hour) recording session with us. If you need special accommodations please contact CoBE Tech directly to schedule an appointment. This time is ideal for recording anything from a short course introduction up to two 20 m

90 Minute Recording
90 دقيقة
Schedule a 90 minute (1 hour and 30 minutes) recording session with us. If you need special accommodations please contact CoBE Tech directly to schedule an appointment. This time is ideal for recording multiple lectures. Remember- We strong

120 Minute Recording
120 دقيقة
Schedule a 120 minute (2 hours) recording session with us. If you need special accommodations please contact CoBE Tech directly to schedule an appointment. This time is ideal for recording long presentations, for demoing different applications
1 Class Period
75 دقيقة
Evening Class (2 hours and 30 minutes)
150 دقيقة
***BY SELECTING THIS OPTION YOU WILL NEED TO STORE THE LAPTOP CART IN YOUR LOCKED OFFICE OVER NIGHT AS OUR TECHS LEAVE AT 7PM. You are also granting CoBE Tech permission to enter your office the next morning to retrieve the cart. Contact CoBE Tech if
50 Minute Class Period
45 دقيقة
Final Exam
120 دقيقة

30 Minute Recording
30 دقيقة
Schedule a 30 minute recording session with us. If you need special accommodations please contact CoBE Tech directly to schedule an appointment. This time is ideal for a short course lecture.
1 Class Period
75 دقيقة
Evening Class (2 hours and 30 minutes)
150 دقيقة
***BY SELECTING THIS OPTION YOU WILL NEED TO STORE THE LAPTOP CART IN YOUR LOCKED OFFICE OVER NIGHT AS OUR TECHS LEAVE AT 7PM. You are also granting CoBE Tech permission to enter your office the next morning to retrieve the cart. Contact CoBE Tech if
50 Minute Class Period
45 دقيقة
Final Exam
120 دقيقة
COVID-19 Recording Block
180 دقيقة
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