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House of Bubbles

Opening hours

  • الأحد

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الإثنين

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الثلاثاء

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الأربعاء

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الخميس

    08:00 - 17:00

  • الجمعة

    08:00 - 17:00

  • السبت

    08:00 - 17:00

About the company

Our team

Rainbow Nude Castle

Bubble Bounce

Bubble House

Top services

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Hire Option 1 - Bubble House only

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 1 - Bubble House onlySet up and take down, you provide your own balloons

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Hire Option 2 - Bubble House and Balloons

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 2 - Bubble House and BalloonsSet up up and take down - we provide you with 80 - 90 balloons (x 3 colors only)

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Hire Option 3 - Bubble House, Balloons and Garland

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 3 - Bubble House, Balloons and GarlandBubble house set-up and take down with balloons inside (80-90 balloons) and a standard balloon garland, placed at the bottom of the bubble house bubble or at entrance. Choice up to 3 colors

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Hire Option 4 - Bubble Bounce only

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 4 - Bubble Bounce house onlySet up and take down, you provide your own balloons

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Hire Option 5 - Bubble Bounce and Balloons

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 5 - Bubble Bounce and Balloons Set up up and take down - we provide you with 80 - 90 balloons (x 3 colors only)

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Hire Option 6 - Bubble Bounce, Balloons and Garland

240 دقيقة

   Hire Option 6 - Bubble Bounce, Balloons and Garland      Bubble house set-up and take down with balloons inside (80-90 balloons) and a standard         balloon garland, placed a

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Hire Option 7 - Rainbow Naude Jumping Castle

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 7 - Rainbow Naude Castle only Set up and take down 

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Hire Option 8 - Combo Deal Rainbow Nude Castle and Bubble house only

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 8 - Rainbow Nude Castle and Bubble HouseSet up and take down  you provide your own balloons

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Hire Option 9 - Combo Deal Rainbow Nude Castle and Bubble House with Balloons

240 دقيقة

Hire Option  - Rainbow Nude Castle and Bubble House with BalloonsSet up up and take down - we provide you with 80 - 90 balloons (x 3 colors only) for Bubble House

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Hire Option 10 - Combo Deal Rainbow Nude Castle, Bubble House with Balloons and Garland

240 دقيقة

Hire Option 10 - Rainbow Nude Castle, Bubble House, Balloons & GarlandSet-up and take down with balloons inside (80-90 balloons) and a standard balloon garland, placed at the bottom of the bubble house bubble or at entrance. Choice up t


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