Opening hours

  • الأحد

    يوم عطلة

  • الإثنين

    15:00 - 22:00

  • الثلاثاء

    09:00 - 22:00

  • الأربعاء

    10:00 - 18:00

  • الخميس

    10:00 - 22:00

  • الجمعة

    09:00 - 22:00

  • السبت

    10:00 - 22:00

About the company

MeritMade Workshop is Metalsmithing Bench Rental, Private Lessons, and Group Workshops.

Our team



Top services

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Private Showing

30 دقيقة

A private meeting to see MeritMade jewelry in person.

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Drop Off or Pick Up

30 دقيقة

Dropping off or picking up something? Use this service to make sure Kelly's in the studio.

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IN PERSON Custom Consultation - 1 hour

60 دقيقة

30 min to 1 hour Consultation to discuss custom work

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PHONE Custom Consultation - 1 hour

60 دقيقة

30 to 1 hour call to discuss your custom project

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1.5 hour Bench Rental Session

90 دقيقة

Drop-In Bench Session for - 1.5 hours (*previous private lessons or confirmation of skills required before booking)

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2 hour Bench Rental Session

120 دقيقة

Drop-In Bench Session for - 2 hours (*previous private lessons or confirmation of skills required before booking)

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2.5 hour Bench Rental Session

150 دقيقة

Drop-In Bench Session for 2.5 Hours (*previous private lessons or confirmation of skills required before booking)

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3 hour Bench Rental Session

180 دقيقة

Drop-In Bench Session for - 3 hours (*previous private lessons or confirmation of skills required before booking)

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DIY Wedding Band

240 دقيقة

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Ring Workshop - Private Party

240 دقيقة

This booking is used to schedule your private party for a Ring Workshop.

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Pendant Workshop - Private Party

270 دقيقة

This booking is used to schedule your private party for a Pendant Workshop.


2 reviews

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    Alyssa Bilyeu

    4/13/2018, 10:56:01 PM

    A special wedding touch

    I collaborated with Kelly on a wedding band for my fiance and it turned out beautifully. I had a blast creating this special touch for our wedding. With something like a wedding band there is pressure to make it just right. Kelly honored the special nature of the ring by helping me with the planning and then with every step of the process. She has a gift for teaching anyone to make great pieces. She has the balance down of letting you do the work and when to jump in with tips, tricks and help. Kelly is wicked smart and passionate about metalsmithing so you are bound to learn something and have fun. She is a true KC art gem!

  • Review user image

    Melanie Kasten

    2/18/2018, 2:15:58 AM

    A wonderful experience we will cherish forever!!!

    Kelly is such an amazing teacher. She is encouraging and patient. We had such a fun time every step of the way. And now we have these beautiful rings that WE MADE and will cherish forever! We loved this wonderful experience. Thanks Kelly!!!!!

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