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    11:00 - 19:00

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    11:00 - 20:00

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About the company

Beauty Mix 至今已營運超過15年,我們的成功之道在於顧客的信賴。因深明箇中道理,務求為客人提供最優質最專業的美容服務;因此,我們為每位客戶提供細膩貼心的服務,照顧每一位顧客需要。憑這種以客為尊的服務態度,我們才得以確立起雄厚的客戶基礎。 Beauty Mix 著重提供以「個人需求、度身訂造」的美容服務,當中包括:美睫、角蛋白、睫毛增長、日式睫毛、808激光脫毛、HIFU提拉、去眼袋、溶脂減肥療程、淋巴排毒、面部毛囊清潔、去黑頭粉刺等多項美容項目以配合不同客戶之需求,客戶滿意度是我們一直堅持的目標,因此無論市場地位、品質服務、創新意念及企業精神各方面,都力求做到最好。

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抗敏修復增厚皮膚療程 Sensitive Skin Repairing Treatment

60 دقيقة

敏感肌膚是由於皮膚屏障功能減弱、皮膚血管神經反應性升高等引起的肌膚一種非健康狀態,日常護理要十分注意有效改善:皮膚瘙癢、紅血絲、痘痘痘印、敏感肌等-        能迅速的提升肌膚的吸收能力,不斷的修復各種不適的肌膚狀態,最終從根源上幫助打造出一個健康的肌膚,舒緩肌膚的不適感。Sensitive skin is an unhealthy state of skin caused by weakened skin barrier

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海藻矽針排毒療程 Seaweed & Silica Needles Treatment

60 دقيقة

一種草本換膚術,加強了改善凹凸洞、暗瘡、皺紋的效果適合: 油脂污垢 , 青春痘 , 鬆弛 , 毛孔粗大 , 色素深沉 , 粉刺等皮膚好處: 改善凹凸洞、妊娠紋、色斑、反黑、鬆弛、暗瘡、去水腫、強效排毒A herbal resurfacing technique that strengthens the effect of improving bumps, acne, and wrinklesSuitable for: oily dirt, pimples, sagging, enlarged p

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去紅血絲護理 Redness Skin Caring Treatment

80 دقيقة

紅血絲的成因是由於肌膚屏障受損,導致皮膚容易發炎,毛細血管擴張變粗。所以紅血絲多見於敏感肌膚。-        去除紅血絲、修復肌膚屏障The cause of red blood streaks is due to damage to the skin barrier, which makes the skin prone to inflammation and the expansion and thickening of

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三角比堅尼 Biniki

10 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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上/下身 Upper/Lower Body

30 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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上/下腿 Upper/Lower Legs

20 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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腋下 Underarm

10 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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爆濃款睫毛 Lash Extension – European Style

60 دقيقة

獨特輕盈,柔軟的毛質,嫁接後能猶如真人睫毛般自然,蓬鬆仿真度幾乎100%,適合市面上所有6D開花,9D爆濃嫁接技法使用,無論是自然妝感或是豔麗眼型都能輕鬆打造Uniquely light, soft hair quality, they can be as natural and fluffy as real eyelashesIt is suitable for all 6D blooming and 9D thickening grafting techniques. No matter n

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時尚款睫毛 Lash Extension – Fashion Style

60 دقيقة

為了使眼妝看起來更加自然,會推薦選用交叉型的睫毛,而非筆直的毛束感。它的存在感不會太過強烈,而能完美融入天生的睫毛,讓初植者也能輕鬆上手。而如果想要挑戰毛束型款式,則可以選擇毛量較為濃密或是長度參差不齊者。In order to make eye makeup look more natural, it is recommended to choose cross-shaped eyelashes instead of straight lash bundles. Its presence wi

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自然款單根日式睫毛 Lash Extension – Japanese Style

60 دقيقة

效果較為自然,適合未有試過嫁接睫毛的客人嘗試,多根嫁接是每根真睫毛會接上2-4根由假睫毛"開花"而成的花束型睫毛,效果會較為濃密而輕盈。適合對象:-        初次接觸嫁,喜歡自然妝感的客人 -        睫毛稀疏,睫毛有空洞或喜歡濃密睫毛的客人The effect is more natural and suitable for thos

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角蛋白翹睫提升術 Lash Enhancement & Tilting Treatment

60 دقيقة

效果有如電睫毛,但並非用傳統電睫毛技術/用料/配方「角蛋白濃黑翹睫術」採用國際標準及建議新配方,以修護睫毛為前提,濃厚角蛋白修護方式技術去創造完美的翹升孤度,令睫毛吸收角蛋白及膠原蛋白養份後生長得更粗更強韌,兼即時有捲曲上翹濃黑效果,做一次平均可保持到1.5 – 2個月。療程大約需要一小時,美容師跟客人商討過睫毛款式後便會使用合適的矽膠模定形。過程中不會感到不適或者刺眼The effect is like electric eyelashes, but not with traditional

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無創洗紅/藍眉 Painless Modification of Eyebrows (Red/Blue)

30 دقيقة

功效:-        不破皮、不出血、不起泡、不損傷皮膚-        不結痂、不產生疤痕,不影響後期重新紋眉上色-        沒有恢復期,沒有尷尬期,不用刮除原生眉毛,不會打白眉毛或打斷眉毛Effect:- No breakage, no bleeding, no blister

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磁叉豐胸療程 Magnetic Pro Breast Treatment

40 دقيقة

利用磁叉手法,疏通胸部的淋巴和經絡Use the magnetic technique to dredge the lymphatic and meridian in the chest

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乳線疏通 Reduce Breast Engorgement Treatment

40 دقيقة

有效打通乳腺,打散毒素,使營養滲透至胸部組織,幫助升 cup,更可改善胸部乳腺循環、活躍細胞組織,令胸部回復彈性、堅挺Effectively  to sooth up the breast, disperse toxins, allow nutrients to penetrate into the breast tissue, and improve breast circulation, activate cell tissue, and restore elasticity an

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Dermica輪廓提升彈性療程 Dermica Lifting Zon Derma Roller Treatment

60 دقيقة

把收緊精華利用微針導入皮膚,從而達到收緊皮膚Benefits:-         Immediate firming effect on the skin, restoring fibroblasts and stimulating collagen production. -        Acts as an antioxidant

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Dermica微針去水腫 多餘脂肪 Dermica Firm Zon Derma Roller Treatment

60 دقيقة

利用微針把去水腫精華導入Benefits:-        Great metabolising and energy producing ability-        Eliminates fatty acids, facilitating their elimination-     &nbs

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Dermica微針皮膚增加光澤精華 Dermica Revital Zon Derma Roller Treatment

60 دقيقة

把提光精華利用微針導入皮膚Benefits:-        Revitalizes and enhances skin resistance, increasing elasticity and brightness-        Promotes cell regeneration, keeps skin hydrated and helps corr

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Dermica微針美白淡斑療程 Dermica Whitelan Cure Step 2 Derma Roller Treatment

60 دقيقة

把美白針精華利用微針導入Suitable for:-        skin with dark spots, melasma and hyperpigmentationBenefits:-        active ingredients reduce hyperpigmentation, brightening and normalizing skin

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Dermica微針去暗瘡療程 Dermica Acne Zon Derma Roller Treatment

60 دقيقة

把平衡油脂分泌、去暗瘡精華利用微針導入皮膚內To fight against all kinds of acne types non-inflammatory and inflammatory, regulates and decreases the active pimples regulates excess oil an sebum, removes dead skin cells and bacteria offer superior anti-inflammatory benefits

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微針去凹凸洞暗瘡疤痕 Derma Roller Bumps, Acne, Scars Removal Treatment

80 دقيقة

微針療法(Micro-needle Therapy System, MTS)利用極細小機械式針刺方法, 刺激皮膚的天然癒合和修復能力,配以增強幹細胞或骨膠原生長的藥物,達至促進膠原蛋白增生、改善各種皮膚問題的效果,採用一次性無菌針咀,安全衛生、電動控制速度及深度,微針長度由,不同深度切合不同皮膚需要效果:-        減退皺紋-        收細毛孔-

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毛囊激活術/孕睫術/上睫毛 Lash Rebirth Treatment (Upper Lash)

40 دقيقة

給予眼睫毛囊根源滿滿的養份,由底層激發睫毛增生! 只需大約一個月便會見到開始增長細小睫毛,第二次療程後睫毛有明顯迅速增長,與植睫毛相比效果更自然,更持久。適合睫毛自然再生:-           睫毛稀少人士-           常稼接睫毛人仕-    &n

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毛囊激活術/孕睫術/下眼睫毛 Lash Rebirth Treatment (Lower Lash)

20 دقيقة

給予眼睫毛囊根源滿滿的養份,由底層激發睫毛增生! 只需大約一個月便會見到開始增長細小睫毛,第二次療程後睫毛有明顯迅速增長,與植睫毛相比效果更自然,更持久。合睫毛自然再生:-           睫毛稀少人士-           常稼接睫毛人仕-    &nb

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360 دقيقة

技術部份:-        專業美睫操作3D、4D及多層次手法-        困難睫毛/下睫毛-        訓練妳擁有專業的眼型判斷-        實際操作模擬創業部分:-   &n

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鑽石磨皮療程 Diamond Peel Treatment

60 دقيقة

治療範圍:–       帶走老死表皮 –       加速皮膚組織快速再生 –       刺激血液循環 –       淡化色素沉作、青春豆疤印 –       改善老人斑、日曬後的肌

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微電流收緊去皺護理 EMS Firming & Wrinkles Removal Treatment

80 دقيقة

功效:保濕,美白,滋潤,抗皺,緊緻和修護等作用 Efficacy: moisturizing, whitening, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, firming and repairing functions

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七色光嫩膚療程 Lighting Rejuvenation Treatment

80 دقيقة

功效:-        激活皮膚細胞中的感光細胞-        (紅光) 提高細胞活性、加快新陳代謝以及促進膠原蛋白形成,具有美白、嫩膚去皺、增加皮膚彈性、改善皮膚狀況,修復受損皮膚、縮小毛孔緊緻肌膚、抗衰老抗氧化-        (藍光) 有殺菌功效,使痤瘡明顯減少- &nb

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超聲波冰極保濕療 Ultrasound Cooling & Moisturizing Treatment

60 دقيقة

冰極能量直接為肌膚底層細胞注入大量水份及保濕鎖水精華,徹底解決8大肌膚問題,同時改善淋巴及血液循環系統,集合美白、收細毛孔、瘦面及提昇面部輪廓效果於一身 射頻及紅外線熱能以非侵入式傳送至真皮層,令組織加熱並收縮,達至緊緻效果,同時刺激皮膚內膠原蛋白重組及增生,提昇眼皮、嘴角及面部肌肉、淡化皺紋及美白嫩膚 功效: -        加強肌膚滲透力及鎖水力 -     

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RF深層溶脂瘦面收緊療程 RF Lifting Face & Fat Removal Treatment

60 دقيقة

功效:-    不用開刀、注射或藥物-    改善微循環-    去浮腫Effect:- No surgery, injections or drugs- Improve micro-circulation- Eliminate puffiness

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無痛修眉 Painless Shaping of Eyebrows

20 دقيقة

修葺多餘的雜毛trim eyebrows to maintain their shape and length

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卸睫毛 Lash Removal

20 دقيقة

把嫁接上去的睫毛卸除乾淨Remove the grafted eyelashes

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補睫毛 Lash Repairing

30 دقيقة

幫助睫毛填補空位eyelash extensions repair and retouch

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深層清潔毛孔療程 Pore Deep Cleaning Treatment

60 دقيقة

把毛孔入面的黑頭粉刺一次排出draws out excess oil, dirt and toxins that clog pores while soothing the skin

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毛囊清潔 去黑頭粉刺 Black Head, Acne Caring Treatment

60 دقيقة

幫助清潔毛孔黑頭油脂粉刺,幫助肌膚深層清潔draws out excess oil, dirt and toxins that clog pores while soothing the skin

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碳粉激光療程 Carbon & Laser Peel Treatment

60 دقيقة

功效:-        碳粉有吸附作用,可以吸住毛孔黑頭油脂-        溶解堵塞毛孔污垢,比針清無痛徹底地去黑頭-        粉色素會加倍地吸收激光中的能量,將皮脂腺收縮,有效抑制油脂分泌-        激發

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透亮美白療程 Tone & Whitening Treatment

60 دقيقة

使用美白精華用超聲波導入,從而達到美白亮膚效果Use the whitening essence to introduce ultrasound to achieve the whitening and brightening effect

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無針導入水光療程 Needle-Free Hydrating Injection Treatment

60 دقيقة

把保濕精華素用無針水光儀器導入皮膚Introduce the moisturizing essence into the skin with a needle-free hydrating device

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HiFu試做價(局部) HiFu Lifting Treatment (Trial)

60 دقيقة

皮膚鬆弛原因表淺肌腱膜(SMAS)和皮膚膠原蛋白的流失。 它佔皮膚組織的70%,負責修復皮膚損傷。 彈性蛋白可以鞏固真皮纖維並支撐皮膚,因此膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白對於維持皮膚健康必不可少。 它們緊密地整合在皮膚組織中並且彼此依賴。 如果補充不足,它們會導致皮膚失去水分並形成皺紋。 HIFU可以直接到達皮膚腱膜,刺激膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的增殖,並迅速收緊皮膚SMAS的內層並刺激組織產生新的膠原蛋白。

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4D立體Hifu童顏刀 4D HiFu Lifting Treatment

90 دقيقة

皮膚鬆弛原因表淺肌腱膜(SMAS)和皮膚膠原蛋白的流失。 它佔皮膚組織的70%,負責修復皮膚損傷。 彈性蛋白可以鞏固真皮纖維並支撐皮膚,因此膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白對於維持皮膚健康必不可少。 它們緊密地整合在皮膚組織中並且彼此依賴。 如果補充不足,它們會導致皮膚失去水分並形成皺紋。 HIFU可以直接到達皮膚腱膜,刺激膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白的增殖,並迅速收緊皮膚SMAS的內層並刺激組織產生新的膠原蛋白。

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溶斑術 Freckles Removal Treatment

60 دقيقة

針對改善:-        雀斑,曬斑,咖啡牛奶斑,老人斑、荷爾蒙斑,顴骨斑,痣,炎症後色素沉澱For improvement: -        Freckles, sunburns, coffee milk spots, age spots, hormonal spots, cheekbones spots, moles, post-infla

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激光全面去雀斑療程 Laser Freckles Removal Treatment

80 دقيقة

針對改善:-        雀斑,曬斑,咖啡牛奶斑,老人斑、荷爾蒙斑,顴骨斑,痣,炎症後色素沉澱For improvement: -        Freckles, sunburns, coffee milk spots, age spots, hormonal spots, cheekbones spots, moles, post-infla

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背部美白、去暗瘡、黑頭 Whitening & Deep Cleaning of Upper Back (Acne, Blackhead)

60 دقيقة

適合人士: -        背部暗瘡-        久留黑印-        毛孔粗大-        排毒殺菌-        毛囊閉塞-

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面部通淋巴瘦面療程 Lifting Facial

60 دقيقة

功效:- 排走毒素、排水、V面、提升、趕走包包面Effect:- Toxins removal, reduce edema, lifting face, firming shape

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DDS生物生髮 DDS Hair Rejuvenation Treatment

30 دقيقة

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納米微針剌激毛囊生髮 Nano Microneedles Hair Regrowth Treatment

30 دقيقة

髮際線再生 -           不用頭髮移植 -           沒有毛囊不剃毛 -           不用打麻醉藥 -     &

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白髮轉黑髮療程 White to Black Hair Treatment

30 دقيقة

形成的原因:-           白髮主要是毛髮黑色素形成減少-           要想白轉黑,就要找到源頭問題去解決,不要盲目的去使用所謂的“偏方”    毛囊中含有一種特殊的細胞,叫毛囊黑色素細胞,它能在毛囊的生長過程中不斷形成黑色素,並伴隨毛髮的生長

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Full比堅尼 Full Bikini

30 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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上/下手臂 Upper/Lower Arms

20 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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髮際線脫毛 Hairline

20 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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全面 Face

30 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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男士鬚根(下巴/兩面) Men's Fibrous Roots(Both Sides)

30 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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唇毛 Lip

10 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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脫疣-上/下身 Warts Freckles Skin Tags Syringoma Acne Removal-Upper / Lower Body

60 دقيقة

以先進脫疣技術及精準專業的治理手法,徹底去除病毒疣,效果即時見效With advanced removal technology and precise and professional treatment methods, the virus warts are completely eliminated, and the effect is immediate 

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脫疣-全面 Warts Freckles Skin Tags Syringoma Acne Removal-Face

60 دقيقة

以先進脫疣技術及精準專業的治理手法,徹底去除病毒疣,效果即時見效With advanced removal technology and precise and professional treatment methods, the virus warts are completely eliminated, and the effect is immediate 

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脫疣-頸 Warts Freckles Skin Tags Syringoma Acne Removal-Neck

60 دقيقة

以先進脫疣技術及精準專業的治理手法,徹底去除病毒疣,效果即時見效With advanced removal technology and precise and professional treatment methods, the virus warts are completely eliminated, and the effect is immediate 

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納米儀器去腳臭 止腳汗療程 Nano Instrument for Foot Odor Treatment

40 دقيقة

用納米儀器把止汗精華導入,從而減少排汗腺排汗,更能治療臭味Use nanometer instrument to import antiperspirant essence, so as to reduce the perspiration of sweat glands and odor

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納米儀器去臭狐 止汗療程 Nano Instrument for Odor Treatment

40 دقيقة

用納米儀器把把止汗精華導入,從而減少排汗腺排汗,更能治療臭味Use nanometer instrument to import antiperspirant essence, so as to reduce the perspiration of sweat glands and odor

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古法線面 Traditional Thread Plucks of Face Hair

20 دقيقة

線面把皮膚上積聚的東西如角質層、死皮和老皮等一次帶走Thread plucks of face hair as a skin exfoliating method

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古法線唇毛 Traditional Thread Plucks of Lip Hair

20 دقيقة

線面把皮膚上積聚的東西如角質層、死皮和老皮等一次帶走Thread plucks of lip hair as a skin exfoliating method

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碳化無痕脫疣/粒 Carbonization warts/grains removal

20 دقيقة

以先進脫疣技術及精準專業的治理手法,徹底去除病毒疣,效果即時見效With advanced removal technology and precise and professional treatment methods, the virus warts are completely eliminated, and the effect is immediate 

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手指毛 Finger

10 دقيقة

現時男性及女性都會使用激光脫毛來永久去除多餘或多餘的頭髮。激光脫毛是使用高度先進的激光技術對多餘和多餘的頭髮進行的處理。 治療通常持續10至12個療程,可去除毛髮,而無需上蠟,剃毛或拔毛。Laser Hair Removal is used by both men and women to permanently remove excess or unwanted hair. Laser Hair Removal is a treatment for excess and unwant

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韓國Einxel Plus膠原修復槍(局部) Collagen Remodeling of Specific Part

60 دقيقة

功效:-        射頻微針技術及針離子導入技術,雙效功能美容儀-        改善肌膚鬆弛、粗糙、凹凸洞、油脂過多、乾燥等問題-        提升收緊、收斂粗大毛孔、淡化皺紋、改善凹凸洞和疤痕-    &nbs

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韓國Einxel Plus膠原修復槍(全面) Face Collagen Remodeling

80 دقيقة

功效:-        射頻微針技術及針離子導入技術,雙效功能美容儀-        改善肌膚鬆弛、粗糙、凹凸洞、油脂過多、乾燥等問題-        提升收緊、收斂粗大毛孔、淡化皺紋、改善凹凸洞和疤痕-    &nbs

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碳化擀筋捧通經絡 Meridian massage

30 دقيقة

皮膚的血液循環加快,改善組織微循環狀態,舒緩水腫,回復線條肩頸嘅線條明顯,鬆弛肌肉提高人體免疫力功能Accelerate blood circulation of skin, improve microcirculation of tissue, relieve edema and restore body curve;Sooth shoulder muscles ;Improve human immune function

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肩頸按摩 Neck & Shoulder Massage

20 دقيقة

舒緩頸部經絡,解除肩頸膊痛Soothes the neck meridian, relieves shoulder and neck pain

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超聲波冰極保濕眼 Ultrasound Cooling & Moisturizing Treatment (Eyes)

40 دقيقة

冰極能量直接為肌膚底層細胞注入大量水份及保濕鎖水精華,徹底解決8大肌膚問題,同時改善淋巴及血液循環系統,集合美白、收細毛孔、瘦面及提昇面部輪廓效果於一身 射頻及紅外線熱能以非侵入式傳送至真皮層,令組織加熱並收縮,達至緊緻效果,同時刺激皮膚內膠原蛋白重組及增生,提昇眼皮、嘴角及面部肌肉、淡化皺紋及美白嫩膚 功效: -       加強肌膚滲透力及鎖水力-     &nb

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RF深層溶眼袋收緊眼紋 RF Eye-bag & Wrinkles Removal Treatment

40 دقيقة

功效:-    不用開刀、注射或藥物-    改善微循環-    去浮腫-    緊緻眼部肌膚-    去除眼袋-    減淡眼紋-    去黑眼圈Effect:- No surgery, injections or drugs- Improve micro-circulation- Eliminate puffiness- Tighten eye skin

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挑針去真性皺紋 Micro-Needles Wrinkles Removal

50 دقيقة

針對部位: -        魚尾紋、法令紋、木偶紋、額頭紋、虎紋、抬頭紋Targeted parts:- Crow's feet, nasolabial folds, laugh lines/smile lines, marionette lines, forehead wrinkles/worry lines, etc.

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微電流收緊眼部皺紋 EMS Firming & Wrinkle Removal Treatment (Eyes)

40 دقيقة

功效: -        保濕,美白,滋潤,抗皺,緊緻和修護等作用Effect: -        Moisturizing, whitening, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, firming and repairing functions

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微針導入美白精華去黑眼圈 Derma Roller Whitening Eye Bags & Dark Circle Removal

40 دقيقة

功效:-        把美白精華導入眼部,令黑色素分解,達到美白效果Effect: -        Introduce the whitening essence into the eyes to decompose melanin and achieve the whitening effect

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下眼睫毛 Lower Lash Extension

30 دقيقة

可以選擇五至七mm長度,根據客人需求喜好設計適合客人長度choose between the length from 5mm to 7mm, or design upon request

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30 دقيقة

一個月任做,需要至少3日做一次,減肥期間不能暴飲暴食特別適合 :產後瘦身、缺乏運動的人Unlimited service for one month, at least once every 3 days. Don’t overeat during weight lossEspecially suitable for people:Weight loss after childbirth, lack of exercise*4D 立體 HiFu 收緊肚皮 4D HiFu Slimming Tre

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試做優惠 - 脫毛

30 دقيقة

808半導體激光脫毛,精準高效破壞毛囊黑色素,並不傷害附近皮膚組織,冰爽、無痛,達到永久脫毛的效果。808nm laser hair removal treatment, painless and permanent, destroys hair with precision without harming nearby skin.


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