Opening hours

  • الأحد

    09:00 - 22:45

  • الإثنين

    09:00 - 22:30

  • الثلاثاء

    09:00 - 22:45

  • الأربعاء

    09:00 - 22:45

  • الخميس

    09:00 - 22:45

  • الجمعة

    09:00 - 22:45

  • السبت

    09:00 - 22:45

About the company

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

Our team

Pitch 1 Hire

Pitch 2 Hire

Pitch 3 Hire

Pitch 4 Hire

Pitch 5 Hire

Function Room

Top services

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Pitch 1 Hire

60 دقيقة

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

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Pitch 2 Hire

60 دقيقة

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

Service icon

Pitch 3 Hire

60 دقيقة

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

Service icon

Pitch 4 Hire

60 دقيقة

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

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Pitch 5 Hire

60 دقيقة

Shooters Football, based within the grounds of North Weald Golf Club, a state of the art 5 and 6 a side football venue.

Service icon

Function Room

360 دقيقة


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